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Trend Analysis of Sea Surface Temperature of Indian Ocean during the Period 1960-2012

Authors : Maya L. Pai, P. K. Saji, K. V. Pramod, A. N. Balchand

Detection of Rice Leaf Diseases Using Image Processing

Authors : Minu Eliz Pothen, Maya L. Pai

Publisher : IEEE

Data Mining based Geospatial Clustering for Suitable Recommendation system

Authors : Suchithra,M.S., Pai, M.L.

Publisher : IEEE

Analytical evidence of deep ocean warming trend in tropical Indian ocean

Authors : Malavika A R, Maya L Pai, Saji P K,

Classification of Static Indian Sign Language Alphabets

Authors : Abhilash, N.S., Sebastian, R., Sreejith Menon M., Pai, M.L.

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