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Copy-Move Forgery Detection-A Study and the Survey

Authors : AK Venugopalan, G Gopakumar

Publisher : Springer

Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using K-Means and Hu’s Invariant Moments

Authors : N Harshith, G GopaKumar, D Sindhuja, R Reddy, A Deepthi

A Survey on Image Splice Forgery Detection and Localization Techniques

Authors : Karishma Ram K, G Gopakumar

Publisher : Springer

Land Use and Land Cover Classification Using Recurrent Neural Networks with Shared Layered Architecture

Authors : Prasanna Kumar, T. Vignesh, K. K. Thyagharajan, R. B. Jeyavathana, K. V. Kanimozhi

An improved E-passport system with secured IoT and wireless communication technology

Authors : R. Prasanna Kumar, T. Vignesh, K. K. Thyagharajan, R. Beaulah Jeyavathana,

Publisher : AIP Publishing

Analogous Particle Swarm Optimization for Choosing Optimal Selection of Virtual Machine in Cloud

Authors : R. Prasanna Kumar, T. Vignesh, B. V. Venkateswarulu, R. Sivakumar

Publisher : IEEE

Underwater Image Enhancement and Restoration Using Cycle GAN

Authors : Chereddy Spandana, Ippatapu Venkata Srisurya, A. R. Priyadharshini, S. Krithika, S. Aasha Nandhini, R. Prasanna Kumar, G. Bharathi Mohan

Publisher : Springer Nature

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