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Performance Prediction And Analysis Of Internet Of Things Applications

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Mukund Kumar, Ritesh Ranjan , Manoj Nambiar

Publisher : Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things, ACM, New York, USA.

Software Bottleneck Analysis During Performance Testing

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Rupinder Virk , Manoj Nambiar

Publisher : International Conference and Workshop on Computing and Communication (IEMCON), IEEE, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Delay Tolerant Routing Protocol For Heterogeneous Marine Vehicular Mobile Ad-Hoc Network

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Dhanesh Raj , Dr. Maneesha Vinodini Ramesh

Publisher : IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerCom Workshops), IEEE, Kona, HI, USA.

Performance Prediction of IoT Application: An Experimental Analysis

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Mukund Kumar, Ritesh Ranjan, Manoj Nambiar

Publisher : IoT'16 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Internet of Things, ACM

Systems and methods for benchmark based cross platform service demand prediction

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Mukund KUMAR, Dhaval Shah, Manoj Karunakaran Nambiar

Publisher : Volume US20170262362A1,

Predicting performance of a software application over a target system

Authors : Dheeraj Chahal, Manoj Karunakaran Nambiar, Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta

Publisher : Volume US9971669B2

System and method facilitating performance prediction of multi-threaded application in presence of resource bottlenecks

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Rupinder Singh Virk, Manoj Karunakaran Nambiar

Publisher : Volume US9317330B2

Developmental Informatics at IIT Bombay

Authors : Anil Bahuman, Chaitra Bahuman, Malati Baru, Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Krithi Ramamritham

Publisher : ACM SIGMOD

Model Driven Software Performance Engineering: Current Challenges and Way Ahead

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Manoj Nambiar, Ajay Kattepur, Gopal Bhaskaran, Rekha Singhal

Publisher : ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation

Tracking Dynamic Boundaries Using Sensor Network

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Krithi Ramamritham, Purushottam Kulkarni

Publisher : IEEE

VARMAN: Multi-plane security framework for software defined networks

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan, Prabhakar Krishnan

Publisher : Elsevier

SDNFV Based Threat Monitoring and Security Framework for Multi-Access Edge Computing Infrastructure

Authors : Dr. Subhasri Duttagupta, Prof. Krishnashree Achuthan , Prabhakar Krishnan

Publisher : Mobile Networks and Applications

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