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Personality style as a predictor of learning styles

Authors : Anju Kamal, Souhedra R.

Publisher : ATHENAEUM, IIT Chennai Campus.

Personality and Learning styles

Authors : Anju Kamal, Deepa

Publisher : International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing EECCMC.

Motives of Smartphone usage as predictors of the personality of University students

Authors : Anju Kamal, Anu Kurien

Publisher : ATHENAEUM , IIT Chennai Campus.

Significance of green marketing practices- A Road Map to India Vison 2050

Authors : Dr. Rejikumar G., Sudharani Ravindran, D.

Publisher : Albertian Institute of Management

Impact of Restaurant’s Features on the Reviews and Ratings

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G, Akshay, N., Sudhakar, S.

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Impact of CSR Activities on Shareholders’ Wealth in Indian Companies

Authors : Y. Iyanar, Dr. Rajiv Prasad

Publisher : 2018 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) .

Demographic and Regional Dimensions of the Incidence of Residential Water Charges: The Case of Mauritius

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo

Publisher : Nevada State University in Las Vegas Nevada

Crop Loss in Rubber Due to Abnormal Leaf Fall: An Analysis on the Economic Feasibility of Plant Protection Measures in India

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., Tharian George, K C. Kuruvilla Jacob

Publisher : Journal of Plant Protection Research

Analysis of Service Quality Parameters among Cooperative Banks – a study with respect to Kerala

Authors : Dr. Rejikumar G., Sudharani Ravindran, D.

Publisher : PSG Institute of Management

Analysis of Role Hierarchy as Predictor of Job Satisfaction: A Study among General Insurance Employees

Authors : Harisunder G. Ram, Sudharani Ravindran, D., Dr. Rejikumar G.

Publisher : J-GIBS Journal of Global Information and Business Strategy

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