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Hotel Categories and Customer Reviews

Authors : Dr. Sangeetha G, Siddharth, K., Sudhakar, S.

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Current status of Power, the key Infrastructure in India

Authors : Dr. R. G. Priyaadharshini

Publisher : New Delhi: Vedam Books

Rent control policy and urban housing

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : India International Centre, New Delhi

A Substitute for Octroi: Entry Tax vs Business Property Tax

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : Economic and Political Weekly

Group decision-making in software architecture: A study on industrial practices

Authors : V, S.R., Muccini, H.

Publisher : Information and Software Technology

Management of Urban Local Finances

Authors : Shyam Nath, Purohit, BC

Publisher : R. Publications, New Delhi

Business Property Tax as an Alternative to Octroi

Authors : Shyam Nath, Sen, Tapas Kumar

Publisher : Economic and Political Weekly, JSTOR

Deprivation and incidence of urban public services: A tale of three cities

Authors : Gangopadhyay, Partha, Shyam Nath

Publisher : Wiley Online Library

Bargaining, coalitions and local expenditure

Authors : Gangopadhyay, Partha, Shyam Nath

Publisher : Urban Studies

An alternative to Octroi

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : Shivaji University, Kolahapur

Privatisation of urban public services: cost recovery as a major constraint in India

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : Public Enterprise, International Center for Public Enterprises in Developing Countries

Local fiscal response to expenditure reassignment and fiscal decentralization in India

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : 46th Congress of the International Institute of Public Finance

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