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Conservation, Restoration, and Management of Mangrove Wetlands Against Risks of Climate Change and Vulnerability of Coastal Livelihoods in Gujarat

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Environmental Science and Engineering

Stock Markets Inter-linkages Among the Two Largest Emerging Economies of Asia – the Case of India and China

Authors : A. Senthil Kumar, V.Srividya

Publisher : International Journal of Economic perspectives

The rationalisation of agriculture in Kerala: implications for the natural environment, agro-ecosystems and livelihoods

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Agrarian South: Journal of Political Economy

Security Vulnerabilities in Open Source Projects: An India Perspective

Authors : Achuthan K, Kumar R, Sreekutty, Raghu Raman

Publisher : 2nd International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT).

Penetration of MFIs among Indian States: An understanding through macro variables

Authors : Sougata Ray, Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra

Publisher : International Journal of Development Issues, Emerald, United Kingdom.

Economic Models, Growth and Sustainable Development

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : Youth Conference on Small Island Developing States and Climate Change

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