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Environmental Policy Instruments and Governance

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo

Publisher : Saving Small Island Developing States

Customer – Driven Innovation: A Conceptual Model

Authors : Gurumurthy, Kalyanaram, Gimranova, Dilbar, Amin Aloysium Ajab, Sandhya G.

Publisher : 12th International Conference of the Society for Global Business Economic Development

Women Empowerment Through Self Transformation: A Case Study Approach

Authors : Sandhya G., Sunanda Muralidharan

Publisher : National Conference on Globalization and Women Empowerment at the Institute of Public Enterprise,

Plantations and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century: The End of an Era?

Authors : Byerlee, Derek, Viswanathan, P. K.

Publisher : Agricultural Development in the World Periphery: A Global Economic History Approach

Ethnic Diversity, Development and Social Policy in Small States

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo, Shyam Nath

Publisher : UNRISD Research Paper (Geneva)

Biodiversity at Risk: Import as an Environmental Policy

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo

Publisher : ISDRC

Strategic Environmental Compliance in SIDS: How Important are Political Economy Factors?

Authors : Yeti N. Madhoo

Publisher : Earth Institute, Columbia University

A study on the factors influencing the adoption / usage of wearable gadgets

Authors : Chatterjee, A., Gupta, D.

Publisher : RTEICT 2017 - 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technology, Proceedings

Fin Tech firms-A New Challenge to Traditional Banks: A Review

Authors : Dileep G. Menon; , Vijith Nair

A study on the evolution of distribution channels of telecom industry in India

Authors : Suryagayathri, C.K., Shri Krishnan, J.

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

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