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Spirituality and productivity – A relationship perspective

Authors : S. Vivek, Amrith, V.

Publisher : Purusharta, School of Management Sciences,

Technological Advancement and Tourism: A Panel Data Analysis of ASEAN Countries

Authors : Rajan, A., Manuel, B., Hari Sankar, K.S., Dr. Sangeetha G

Publisher : 2016 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Computing Research

Technology Enabled Teacher Training for Lowliterate, Remote and Rural Multi-grade Education Centers

Authors : Menon, R., Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics, ICACCI 2017, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

A systems approach to mapping logistics systems performance of small and medium manufacturing enterprises

Authors : Dr. Hemamala K., S. Banerji, Dr. Mridula Sahay

Publisher : International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

Effect of Emotional Labor on Emotional Exhaustion and Work Attitudes: Moderating Effects of Emotional Intelligence and Supervisor Support among Hospitality Employees in India

Authors : Rathi, Neerpal, Bhatnagar, Deepti, Mishra, Sushanta Kumar

Publisher : Journal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism

An Economic Evaluation of Revitalisation of Village Tanks in Gujarat

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Gujarat Land Development Corporation Ltd.

Concepts and Public Policy Issues in Environmental and Natural Resource Analysis

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : Saving Small Island Developing States

Work-family conflict and job and family satisfaction: Moderating effect of social support among police personnel

Authors : Rathi, N., Barath, M.

Publisher : Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Trade Reforms and Crisis in India’s Plantation Industry: an analysis of Tea and Rubber Plantation Sectors

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K., Amita Shah

Publisher : Social Change Development

Quasi Bayesian Estimation of Px,y((x,y)/x y) for the Lomax distribution

Authors : Dr. Dhanya M., E S Jeevanand

Publisher : Shanga Verlag

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