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A Study on the Conflict Resolution Styles of Generation Y Students in Indian Context

Authors : Mukundan Smarty, Dr. Dhanya M., Saraswathyamma K P

Publisher : International Journal of Global Business

Estimation of P (y x) of Power Function Distribution

Authors : Dr. Dhanya M., E S Jeevanand

Publisher : International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications, Shanga Verlag

Semi-Parametric Estimation of Pxy(X,Y)/X>Y

Authors : Dr. Dhanya M., E S Jeevanand

Publisher : International Conference on Mathematical Modelling and Applications to Industrial Problems

Semi Parametric Estimation Px,y((x,y)/x>y)

Authors : Dr. Dhanya M., E S Jeevanand

Publisher : National Institute of Technology, Calicut

When Rebels Become Stakeholders: Democracy, Agency and Social Change in India

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi

Publisher : Journal of Social and Economic Development

Wetland Valuation: A Review of Theoretical and Empirical Issues

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi

Publisher : Amrita School of Business

The Forest and the Trees: Delineating the Protected Area Debate in India

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi, Sashi Sivramkrishna

Publisher : The Forest and the Trees: Delineating the Protected Area Debate in India

Urban agriculture: a sustainable solution to alleviating urban poverty, addressing the food crisis, and adapting to climate change-Case study, Bangalore, India

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi, Amerasinghe, Priyanie H, Archarya, Sreedhar, Kumar, V, Yadava, Chenna Basappa Gangappa, Deshpande, RS

Publisher : Amrita School of Business; IWMI ; RUAF

Labour Relations in Rubber Plantations in Tripura

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : 2015.

Export-led growth and labor markets in emerging economies: The case of Mauritius

Authors : Shyam Nath

Publisher : University of Western Sydney

Agricultural growth and migration: In search of a new evidence

Authors : Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi

Publisher : Gokhale Institute of Poliiics and Economics

Do Farmers Make an Informed Choice?:An Analysis of the Selection of Seeds and Insecticides by Cotton Growers in Gujarat

Authors : N. Lalitha, Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : India’s Tryst with Bt Cotton-Learning from the First Decade

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