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Strategy to Minimize Complexity in Urban Planning

Authors : Mridula Sahay

Publisher : International Conference on Management, organized by the Association of Indian Management Scholars

A Study of role of Spirituality in Organizational Development by using System Dynamics, on Leadership and Management through Spiritual Wisdom

Authors : Mridula Sahay, Shulagana Sarkar

Publisher : International Conference organised by School of Sciences, Varanasi, in association with California State University

Boundary conditions for turnover intentions: exploratory evidence from China, Jordan, Turkey, and the United States

Authors : Chen, H.a, Ford Jr., D.L.a, Kalyanaram, G.b, Bhagat, R.S.c

Publisher : International Journal of Human Resource Management

Does autonomy matter in state owned enterprises? Evidence from performance contracts in India

Authors : Gunasekar, Sangeetha, Sarkar, Jayati

Publisher : Evidence from Performance Contracts in India

Knowledge transfer in non-profit organisations: A qualitative study

Authors : Barpanda, Saswat, Thamatoor, Mridula

Publisher : International Journal of Knowledge and Learning

Relationship of employee’s perception on health and safety measures and job performance: the mediating effects of job satisfaction

Authors : Dr. Saswat Barpanda, Bhagyalakshmi U

Publisher : International Journal of Environment, Workplace and Employment

Organizational Metaphors – the Case of Organization Development Intervention at ABC Business School

Authors : Anju Kamal

Publisher : ON Research - Journal of EU Business School

A Study to Understand the Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Employees’ Team Orientation and Behaviour

Authors : M. Manoj, Dr. Rajiv Prasad

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

Promoting rural women’s economic dynamism: a case study on participation in income generating activities in Kanchanaburi

Authors : Amara Soonthorndhada, Dr. Viswanathan P. K., Sirinan Kittisuksathit

Publisher : Translating Women’s experience into Classroom Teaching: Gender and Development Cases in ASEAN and Korea

Elevating Education of India’s Rural Village Girls Through Distance Learning Technology Supported by Sustainable Electricity

Authors : Frey, M., Manoj P., Mohan, R., Sai Shibu N. B., Gracia, V.C., Mohan, V., Siddhan

Publisher : IEEEXplore

Influence of Celebrity Endorsement in Buying Decisions

Authors : Dr. Rejikumar G., Sudharani Ravindran, D.

Publisher : Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering college, Coimbatore

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