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Variations in the Occupational Structure and Gender Segregation in India and the States : Analysis Based on Census of India 2001 and 2011

Authors : Prasad, V, Maheshwar Prathap

Publisher : International Journal of Economics & Management Sciences

Adapting aspirations: Negative life events, Resource Scarcity and Extreme Poverty (Accepted)

Authors : Maheshwar Pratap, Madhavan, S, Dr. Deepak Gupta

Publisher : Institute of Rural Management Anand, Gujarat

Adapting aspirations: Negative life events, Resource Scarcity and Extreme Poverty (Accepted)

Authors : Maheshwar Pratap, Madhavan, S, Dr. Deepak Gupta

Publisher : Annual Meeting of Academy of Management

Preventing misuse of discount promotions in e-commerce websites: An application of rule-based system

Authors : V. Manohar, Biplab Bhattacharjee, Maheshwar Pratap

Publisher : Int. J. of Services Operations and Informatics

Bt Cotton Cultivation in Gujarat: Emerging Issues and Environmental Challenges

Authors : N. Lalitha, Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Knowledge Systems of Societies for Adaptation and Mitigation of Impacts of Climate Change, Environmental Science and Engineering

Assessing risk and risk mitigation strategies of small coffee growers: A study of Kodagu district in Karnataka

Authors : Dr. Deepika M. G., Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi

Publisher : NRPPD Discussions Paper

Middle Level Managers: Competency and Effectiveness.

Authors : Dr. V. Murale, Preetha, R

Publisher : SCMS Journal of Indian Management

Community Based Mangrove Restoration as Instruments of Conserving Marine Biodiversity and the Protected Areas: An Exploratory Analysis from Gujarat

Authors : Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Biodiversity Conservation in India: Management Practices, Livelihood Concerns and Future Options

Cointegration Among the Stock Markets of India, USA and Japan

Authors : A. Senthil Kumar

Publisher : International Journal of Economic Research

Climate Change Vulnerability and Agrarian Communities: Insights from the Composite Vulnerability Index of Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka

Authors : G Sridev, Dr. Amalendu Jyotishi, Satyasiba Bedamatta, Jagadeesh G, Dr. Sushanta Kumar Mahapatra

Publisher : Indian Economic Journal, Indian Economic Association, Sage Publications.

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