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Is imperfect evaluation a deterrent to adoption of energy audit recommendations?

Authors : Jayaraman Chillayil, M. Suresh, Dr. Viswanathan P. K., Sasi K Kottayil

Publisher : International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 2021.

Examining the relationship between e-service recovery quality and e-service recovery satisfaction moderated by perceived justice in the banking context (ABDC-B)

Authors : Sonia Mathew, Ajay Jose, Rejikumar G., Dony Peter Chacko

Publisher : Benchmarking: An International Journal, Emerald Publishing Limited,

An evidence-based systematic review on farmers’ adaptation strategies in India

Authors : Bahinipati Chandra Sekhar, Kumar, Vijay, Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : (2021)

Improving patient care at a multi-speciality hospital using Lean Six Sigma (ABDC-A)

Authors : Persis Jinil, Anjali S., Sunder M. Vijaya, Rejikumar G., Sreedharan V. Raja, Saikouk Tarik

Publisher : Taylor and Francis

The Role of Cognitive Complexity and Risk Evasiveness in Online Herd Behavior

Authors : G. Rejikumar, Aswathy Asokan Ajitha, Sofi Dinesh, Ajay Jose

Publisher : Springer US

An Empirical Investigation into Carpooling Behaviour for Sustainability (ABDC-A)

Authors : Sofi Dinesh, Rejikumar Goplakrishnan, Gyanendra Sisodia

Publisher : Transportation Research Part F Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 77(2):181-196

Demystifying collaborative consumption: A systematic literature review (Scopus)

Authors : Sofi Dinesh, Rejikumar G

Publisher : Inderscience

Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure and Financial Transparency: Evidence from India

Authors : Rajiv Nair, Mohammad Muttakin, Arifur Khan, Nava Subramaniam, V.S. Somanath

Does portfolio optimization favor sector or broad market investments?

Authors : Dr. A. Senthil Kumar, Sreelakshmi Rajeev, Athira Namboothiri

Publisher : Journal of Public Affairs (Cateogry: ABDC-B, ABS-1)

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