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Customer perceived determinants of online buying: A conjoint experiment (Scopus)

Authors : Rejikumar G., Aswathy Asokan A.

Publisher : Institute of Advanced Scientific Research

Technology Diffusion and Adoption in Cotton Cultivation: Emerging Scenario in Gujarat

Authors : N. Lalitha, Dr. Viswanathan P. K

Publisher : AgBioForum

Child labor and psychosocial wellbeing: Findings from India

Authors : Feeny, Simon, Posso, Alberto, Skali, Ahmed, Jyotishi, Amalendu, Shyam Nath, Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Health Economics

Research and Development efforts in Indian Pharmaceutical Industry: How much does it matter?

Authors : Dr. Avinash Shivdas, Sougata Ray

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing [ABDC C], Volume ahead-of-print, Issue ahead-of-print

Incentivizing resource efficient technologies in India: Evidence from diffusion of micro-irrigation in the dark zone regions of Gujarat

Authors : Bahinipati, Chandra Sekhar, Dr. Viswanathan P. K.

Publisher : Land Use Policy, Volume 86

Remembering B D Dhawan (1938–2020)

Authors : M Dinesh Kumar, Dr. Viswanathan P. K., R Maria Saleth

Publisher : Economic & Political Weekly

Frugal Innovation Capabilities: Conceptualization and Measurement

Authors : Dr. Avinash Shivdas, Dr. Soumya Sivakumar, Saswata Barpanda, Dr. Ram Bishu

Publisher : Prometheus: Critical Studies in Innovation [ABDC B]

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