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Religious Identity Negotiations among Indian Youth in Digital

Authors : Vandana Madhavan, Murale Venugopalan

An integrated approach towards legitimization of single case design

Authors : V Murale, R Preetha

Publisher : Elsevier

The inconsistent effect of foreign exchange earnings on economic development of Fiji: the strategies and long run relationship through vector error correction modelling

Authors : Gyanendra Singh Sisodia, Alberto Ibanez, Murale Venugopalan

Publisher : Inderscience Publishers (IEL)

A study on the factors causing outward migration in Southern Tamilnadu

Authors : R Jayaraj, Gupta Anshuman, V Murale

The role of cognitive complexity and risk aversion in online herd behavior

Authors : Rejikumar Goplakrishnan, Aswathy Asokan Ajitha, Sofi Dinesh, Ajay Jose

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