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Media Advocacy and Human Rights

Authors : Payel Das

Media and Women: Emerging Perspectives (ed.)

Authors : Payel Das, Pandey, G.P, Joshi, C

Publisher : Sunrise Publications

GST in Indian: Growth & Prospects

Authors : K.Sarvani, G. Ratna Sarvani

Publisher : International Journal of Commerce, Arts & Science

A Study on Fintech Start-Ups in India Special Refernce to Payments and Blockchain

Authors : HK Durga, K Sarvani

Publisher : European Economic Letters (EEL)

Do ESG had influence on Return on Investments of BRICS listed Stock Exchanges: An Empirical Study

Authors : Dr. Sarvani Kocherlakota, Dr. C. Aruna, Rama Durga Sirisha Reddy

Publisher : Res Militaris

Sustainable Tourist Behavior: Developing a Second Order Scale based on Three Destinations

Authors : Das, P, Chandran, A, Mandal, S., Shanmugeshwari, M, Nair, G., Ramachandran, N, John, E

Gastro-Nostalgia: Towards A Higher-Order Measurement Scale Based on Two Gastro Festivals

Authors : Das, P, Mandal, S., Gunsekhar, S, Dixit, S

Publisher : Scopus-Q2, ABDC-A

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