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Influence of respondent type on relationships between safety climate and safety performance in manufacturing firm

Authors : Anita Verma, Vedant Singh

Publisher : Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability

Transport Aircraft Conceptual Design Optimization Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm

Authors : S Vaibhav, Vedant Singh, Somesh K Sharma

Publisher : Hindawi

Fabrication of waste bagasse fiber‐reinforced epoxy composites: Study of physical, mechanical, and erosion properties

Authors : Tej Singh, Sachin Tejyan, Amar Patnaik, Vedant Singh, Ibolya Zsoldos, Gusztáv Fekete

Publisher : WIELY

Analysis of electric vehicle trends, development and policies in India

Authors : Virender Singh, Vedant Singh, S Vaibhav

Publisher : Elsevier

Comparative performance assessment of pineapple and Kevlar fibers based friction composites

Authors : Tej Singh, Catalin I Pruncu, Brijesh Gangil, Vedant Singh, Gusztav Fekete

Publisher : Elsevier

A toolkit for detecting fallacious calls for papers from potential predatory journals

Authors : Dadkhah, Mehdi, Raja, Abdul, Memon, Aamir , Borchardt, Glenn, Nedungadi, Prema, Abu-Eteen, Khaled, Raman, Raghu

Publisher : Advanced Pharmaceutical Bulletin

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