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Sustainability assurance and provider choice: a meta-regression analysis

Authors : Hay, D. C., Kend, M., Sierra-García, L., Subramaniam, N.

Sustainable development goal reporting: Contrasting effects of institutional and organisational factors

Authors : Subramaniam, N.,, Akbar, S., Situ, H., Ji, S., Parikh, N.

Mapping analytical hierarchy process research to sustainable development goals: Bibliometric and social network analysis

Authors : Aswathy Sreenivasan, M. Suresh, Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman R

Publisher : Heliyon

Digital healthcare-Cyberattacks in Asian organizations: an analysis of vulnerabilities, risks, NIST perspectives, and recommendations

Authors : Kandasamy, K., Srinivas, S., Achuthan, K., Rangan, V. P.,

Publisher : IEEE Access

Contribution of Business Research to Sustainable Development Goals: Bibliometrics and Science Mapping Analysis

Authors : Nedungadi P, Raman R, Lathabhai H, Mandal S, Kumar C

Publisher : Sustainability

Impact of TQM on organisational performance: The case of Indian manufacturing and service industry

Authors : Akshay Kumar, Vedant Singh, Tej Singh

Publisher : Elsevier

Media and COVID-19 vaccine negligence in India

Authors : Shekhar, S. K, Kandoth, S

A scientometric analysis of COVID-19 and social media marketing

Authors : Mohanan, M. , Shekhar, S. K. , Kandoth, S

Recruitment Marketing-a Bibliometric analysis

Authors : Shekhar S. K, Kandoth, S

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