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Strategies for design of improved biocatalysts for industrial applications

Authors : Aravind Madhavan, Sindhu R, Binod P, Sukumaran RK, Pandey A

Publisher : Bioresource Technology

Synthetic Biology and Metabolic Engineering Approaches and Its Impact on Non-Conventional Yeast and Biofuel Production

Authors : Aravind Madhavan, Jose AA, Binod P, Sindhu R, Sukumaran RK, Pandey A , Castro GE

Publisher : Frontiers in Energy Research

Expression system for heterologous protein expression in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus unguis

Authors : Aravind Madhavan, Pandey A, Sukumaran RK

Publisher : Bioresource Technology

Non-conventional yeast cell factories for sustainable bioprocesses

Authors : Sharrel Rebello, Amith Abraham, Aravind Madhavan, Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Arun Karthika Bahuleyan, Embalil Mathachan Aneesh, Ashok Pandey

Publisher : FEMS Microbiology letters

Application of microbial enzymes in food industry

Authors : Raveendran Sindhu, Parameswaran Binod, Ummalyma Sabeela Beevi, Amith Abraham, Anil Kuruvilla Mathew, Aravind Madhavan, Sharrel Rebello , Ashok Pandey

Publisher : Food Technology and Biotechnology

Musa paradisiaca inflorescence induces human colon cancer cell death by modulating cascades of transcriptional events

Authors : Arun, K. B, Aravind Madhavan, Reshmitha, T. R, Thomas, S, Nisha, P

Publisher : Food & function

Tailoring of microbes for the production of high value plant-derived compounds: From pathway engineering to fermentative production

Authors : Aravind Madhavan, Arun KB, Sindhu R, Binod P, Kim SH, Pandey A

Publisher : BBA Protein and Proteomics

A green biorefinery platform for cost effective nanocellulose production: Investigation of hydrodynamic properties and biodegradability of thin films

Authors : Reshmy Pamakmar, Eaepen Philip, Sherely Paul, Aravind Mahavan, Sindhu Raveendran, Binod Parameswaran, Ashok Paney

Nanocellulose-based products for sustainable applications-recent trends and possibilities

Authors : Reshmy, R, Philip, E, Paul, S. A, Aravind Madhavan., Sindhu, R, Binod, P, Sirohi, R

Publisher : Reviews in Environmental Science and Bio/Technology

Bioconversion of waste cooking oil for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate using Bacillus cereus MPTDC

Authors : Sindhu, Raveendran, Athulya Manju, Pooja Mohan, Rajendran Omana Rajesh, Ranjna Sirohi, Aravind Madhavan, Parameswaran Binod

Valorization of Food and Kitchen waste: An integrated strategy adopted for the production of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate, bioethanol, pectinase and 2, 3-butanediol

Authors : Sindhu, R, Manju, A, Mohan, P, Rajesh, R. O, Aravind Madhavan, Arun, K. B, Binod, P

Publisher : Bioresource Technology

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