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Molecular mechanism of action of plumbagin in BRCA1 blocked ovarian cancer cell line by suppression subtractive hybridization and micro array

Authors : Tashni, KA, Rojini, G, Srinivas, G, Asoke Banerji, Srinivas, P

Publisher : Annals of Oncology

Metodos para producir celulas y plantas gramineas transgenicas (Argentina)

Authors : Ramage, C.M., Spangenberg, G., Dr. Dalia Vishnudasan

Publisher : Molecular Plant Breeding

Method of producing transgenic graminaceous cells and plants (Europe)

Authors : Ramage, C.M., Spangenberg, G., Dr. Dalia Vishnudasan

Publisher : Molecular Plant Breeding

Medical device keypad interface

Authors : Dr. Bipin G. Nair, Kumar, G., Eastman, C.

Publisher : Medical Device Keypad Interface

Structural Characterization of an Unusually Stable Cyclic Peptide, Kalata {B2} from Oldenlandia Affinis

Authors : Romanuka, J, Billeter, M, Skjeldal, L., Emmett, M. R., Nilsson, C. L., Marshall, A. G.,, S. Sudarslal

Human BCAS3 Expression in Embryonic Stem Cells and Vascular Precursors Suggests a Role in Human Embryogenesis and Tumor Angiogenesis

Authors : Dr. Parvathy Venugopal, Anita Mahadevan, Shankar S. K., Maneesha S. Inamdar, Kavitha Siva

Publisher : PLoS ONE

Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors control neuronal excitability through modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels

Authors : Goldfarb, Mitchell, Schoorlemmer, Jon, Williams, Anthony, Dr. Shyam Diwakar, Wang, Qing, Huang, Xiao, Giza, Joanna, Tchetchik, Dafna, Kelley, Kevin, Vega, Ana, others

Publisher : Neuron.

Enhanced strategy for separating human plasma fibronectin from MMPs by affinity chromatography

Authors : Dr. Sanjay Pal, Chen Z, Xu X, Mikhailova M, Klebe RJ, Steffensen B

Publisher : The American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting Special Poster Session

Dual Microcontroller based Liquid Infusion System

Authors : Bipin Nair, Guruvayurappan Krishnan, Dr. Harish Kumar

Publisher : Amrita Vishwa Vidypeetham

Collaborative & Accessibility Platform for Distributed Virtual Labs

Authors : Prema Nedungadi, Raman, R, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher : in press, IAJC-ASEE Joint International Conference on Engineering and Technology, Hartford, USA.

Phytoecdysones & a new flavonol glycoside from Sesuvium portulacastrum Linn

Authors : Asoke Banerji, Chintalwar, GJ

Publisher : Indian journal of chemistry

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