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Photovoltaic studies of dye sensitized solar cell with modified PEDOT:PSS as counter electrode

Authors : Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Publisher : International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering

Studies On Organic Bulk Heterojunction Devices For Photovoltaic Solar Cell Applications

Authors : Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Publisher : Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Product demand forecasting: Will this product sell

Authors : Pallavi, M.S., Shanmuga Shanker, M.K., Nishanth Bhat, K.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Automatic vehicle tracking system based on fixed thresholding and histogram based edge processing

Authors : Shobha Rani, N., Neethu, O.P., Ponnath, N.

Publisher : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Anthraquinones- A probe to enhance the photovoltaic properties of DSSC

Authors : Jinchu .I, Jyothi .R, Pandurangan Nanjan, K .S.Sreelatha, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Publisher : International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)

Prediction of genetic disorder by using phenotypic and genotypic information using clustering approach

Authors : Bipin Nair, B.J., Bhuvana, P., Priyanka, G.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Orthodox Unit Regular Submonoids of the Full Transformation Semigroup T(X)

Authors : Dr. Sreeja V. K.

Publisher : Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics

WRB scheduling for meta brokers in heterogeneous grid environment

Authors : Gokuldev, S.a, Radhakrishnan, R.b

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Automatic recognition and verification of defective tablet blisters using entropy based filtering and histogram processing

Authors : Shobha Rani, N., Nithusha, V.K., Roshna, T.P.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Investor confidence in Indian Primary Market with reference to Coimbatore

Authors : Preetha R.

Publisher : National seminar on Personal wealth management

Lanthanide Terpyridine-Based Assemblies: Towards Dual Luminescent Probes

Authors : Jennifer K. Molloy, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai, Junji Sakamoto, Paola Ceroni, Giacomo Bergamini

Publisher : Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry

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