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Enhanced thermoelectric performance of organic multilayer thin films

Authors : Hyejong Lee, Gopinathan Anoop, Hyeong Jun Lee, Chingu Kim, Ji-Woong Park, Jaeyoo Choi, Heesuk Kim, Yong Jae Kim, Eun Ji Lee, Sang-Gil Lee, Young-Min Kim, Ji Young Jo

Blended Learning using Mastering Physics and Learning Catalytics

Authors : B. Ramachandran, T.C. Tan, H.C. Tan

Incorporating Problem Based Learning in the Physics Module of a First year Diploma Course

Authors : Norman Lee, B. Ramachandran, T.C. Tan , H.C. Tan

Multicolour high-speed photometry of pulsating subdwarf B stars with ULTRACAM

Authors : C.S. Jeffery, V.S. Dhillon, T.R. Marsh, B. Ramachandran

Publisher : MNRAS

Simulating colour variations in pulsating sdB stars

Authors : B. Ramachandran , C.S. Jeffery

Publisher : Springer

On the linear analysis of unstable radiative shocks

Authors : B. Ramachandran , Michael D. Smith

Publisher : MNRAS

Synthetic photometry for non-radial pulsations in subdwarf B stars

Authors : B. Ramachandran, C. S. Jeffery, R. H. D. Townsend

Publisher : A&A

The influence of the Mach number on the stability of radiative shocks

Authors : B. Ramachandran , Michael Smith

Publisher : MNRAS

Modulational instability and droplet formation in Bose-Bose mixtures with Lee-Huang-Yang correction and polaron-like impurity

Authors : Saravana Veni, Conrad Bertrand Tabi, Etienne Wamba, Timoléon Crépin Kofané

Publisher : Elsevier

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