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Tweet segmentation and its application using random walk and part-of-speech methods

Authors : Kukku, S.a, Reghu, R.b, Gaina, K.G.c

Publisher : International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Serials Publications.

From Village to City: An analysis of Kamala Markandaya’s Nectar in a Sieve and Anita Desai’s The Village by the Sea

Authors : Dr. Indu B.

Publisher : IJELLH (International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities)

From Fear to Fearlessness: A Thematic Analysis of Shashi Deshpande’s The Dark Holds No Terror in the International Journal of Language

Authors : Dr. Indu B., Jitha Sasankan

Publisher : International Journal of Language, Literature in Humanities

Tuning of of pyranine (HPTS) by lanthanides – synthesis, crystal structure and emission properties of of pyranine (HPTS) by lanthanides – synthesis, crystal structure and emission

Authors : Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Vysakh K. K., Andrews P. Alex, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai

Publisher : International Conference on Materials Science and Technology

Enhanced STEM learning with Online Labs: Empirical study comparing physical labs, tablets and desktops

Authors : Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman, McGregor, Mark

Publisher : Frontiers in Education Conference, 2013 IEEE

Synthesis and characterization of Lead Selenide quantum dots for photovoltaic application

Authors : M. Prabhakaran, Dr. Sreekala C. O., A. E. Tom, A. Thomas, V. V. Ison

Publisher : 2016 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, and Optimization Techniques (ICEEOT)

An enhanced bug mining for identifying frequent bug pattern using word tokenizer and FP-growth

Authors : Divyavarma, K., Remya, M., Deepa, G.

Publisher : Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing

Energy Efficient Data Acquisition Techniques Using Context Aware Sensing for Landslide Monitoring Systems

Authors : P Rekha, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, P. Venkat Rangan, Dr. Usha Kumari P. V., T. Hemalatha

Publisher : IEEE Sensors Journal.

Encoding the Dihedral Angle of Amino Acid in a Protein

Authors : Pallavi, M.S.

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, Transstellar Journal Publications and Research Consultancy Private Limited (TJPRC),

Surface Modified Lead Sulphide Quantum Dots For In Vitro Imaging Of Breast Cancer Cells Adopting Confocal Raman Spectroscopy

Authors : Arunashree JS, Suresh NP, Sujesh S, Vaishnav KP, Vishnu, Malini Prabhakaran, VV Isonc, Dr. Sreekala C. O.

Publisher : International Journal of Chemical Sciences, Trade Science Inc.

Diffuse Radiation from the Aquila Rift

Authors : Jyothy, S. N., Jayant Murthy, Narayanankutty Karuppath, N. V. Sujatha

Publisher : Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Bidirectional Communication using Delay Coupled Chaotic Directly Modulated Semiconductor Lasers

Authors : Krishna, Bindu M, John, Manu P, Dr. V . M. Nandakumaran

Publisher : Springer

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