Authors : Jyotirmayee Satapathy, Jangid, Buddhi Prakash
Publisher : Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
Authors : Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai, R. P. Akshay, Vysakh K. K., George T
Publisher : 5th National Conference on Advanced Functional Materials and Applications (NCAFMA-2017)
Authors : Deepak, E.S., Anil, C.S., Sanjay, S., Febi, C., Sajina, K.R.
Publisher : IICPE
Authors : Desai, S.a, Anjana, V.K.b, Paranthaaman, R.G.a, Krishna, S.a c
Publisher : Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health
Authors : Navneeth M, Akhil Mohan, Akshay Chandran, Akash K Kumar, Geena Prasad, Dr. Saritha A., Geethu S Babu
Publisher : Proceedings of the 44th National Conference on Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power
Authors : Vysakh K K, Aravind R, Akshay J. M., Divya Mohan R, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai, Prof. M. Padmanabhan
Publisher : CTriC 2017. Cochin University of Science & Technology,
Authors : Dr. Arun Krish Pillai
Publisher : National Conference on “Structural, institutional and financial sector changes (both global and India) in the new millennium and the road ahead”
Authors : M.A., Meera, Anusudha R. S.
Authors : Frey, L.M., Meera, S.R.
Publisher : Purusharta, School of Management Sciences
Authors : Dr. Indu B., Abhijeeth P S
Publisher : Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL)
Authors : J Freeman, B. Shankar, G. Sundaram
Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings, American Institute of Physics Inc.
Authors : Amritalakshmi (Dayanadas), Dr. N. Ajith kumar
Publisher : National Conference on “Structural, institutional and financial sector changes (both global and India) in the new millennium and the road ahead”