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UV Emission from Taurus Molecular Cloud’

Authors : Narayanankutty Karuppath, S.B. Lakshmi, S. N. Jyothi

Publisher : M.G University

Trapping Dimethyltin Cations by Bipyridine-N,N′-Dioxide Ligands

Authors : Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Puja Singh, Dr. Gopal K., Alexander Steiner

Publisher : WILEY-VCH Verlag

KARSHIK: Agricultural information monitoring and reference based on wireless networks

Authors : Vasudevan, A., N.S. Nair, Benny, A.S., Shabana, K.M., Shenoy, A., Dutta, M.

Publisher : ACWR 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief

Transition metal complexes of thiosemicarbazones with quinoxaline hub: an emphasis on antidiabetic property

Authors : Dr. Naveen V. Kulkarni, Vidyanand K. Revankar, B. N. Kirasur, Mallinath H. Hugar

Publisher : Medicinal Chemistry Research

QFD approach to define CSR: Indian perspective

Authors : Babu, S., Krishnakumar, U., Bishu, R.

Publisher : Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

Multicomponent Assembly of Anionic and Neutral Decanuclear Copper(II) Phosphonate Cages

Authors : Vadapalli Chandrasekhar, Loganathan Nagarajan, Sakiat Hossain, Dr. Gopal K., Surajit Ghosh, Sandeep Verma

Publisher : Inorganic Chemistry

Construction of a R-Strongly unit Regular Monoid from a Regular biordered set and a group

Authors : Rajan, A. R., Dr. Sreeja V. K.

Publisher : Asian-European Journal of Mathematics

Synthesis and characterization of low temperature sintered CuxMg1- xNb2O6 towards LTCC

Authors : Jyotirmayee Satapathy

Publisher : Mahatma Gandhi University

Synthesis and Antibacterial Screening of Novel derivatives of Embelin

Authors : Greeshma M.A, ZeenaS.Pillai

Publisher : NIIST

Role of Surfactant Type and Modifier Concentration in Tailoring the Properties of Chlrobutyl Rubber Organoclay Nanocomposites

Authors : Saritha A., Kuruvilla Joseph, Sabu Thomas, Muraleekrishnan

Publisher : Journal of Applied Polymer Science

Reactivity of Ethyl-2,3-butadienoate in Cerium (IV) ammonium nitrate (CAN) mediated intermolecular C-C bond formation

Authors : Akhil Sivan, A. Deepthi

Publisher : 14th CRSI National Symposium in Chemistry

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