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From Waste to a value added product: Green Synthesis of Silver nanoparticles from Onion peels together with its diverse Applications

Authors : Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Theertha V , Smitha Chandran S

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings,

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles using Calotropis gigantea extract and its Applications in Antimicrobial and Larvicidal activity

Authors : Parvathy Ajith, Aswathy.S. Murali, Sreehari. H, , Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings

Sustainable Utilization of Bio waste towards the Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and its Utility in the Naked Eye Detection of Metals Coupled with its Larvicidal and Antimicrobial Properties IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering

Authors : Smitha Chandran S, Nikhila P S, Namitha Satheesh, Sreejitha. V S, Anandu R Pillai, Saritha A

Publisher : IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 310(2018) 012089 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/310/1/012089

Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Hydnocarpus pentandra leaf extract: Evaluation of its antimicrobial and anti-larvidal activities

Authors : Aswathi Shyam, Aswathy Murali , S.Smitha Chandran

Publisher : AIP Conference Proceedings 2162, 020107 (2019);

Facile preparation of Silver nanoparticles from Vitex negundo leaf extract with multiple applications

Authors : Aswathy.S. Murali , Athulya Pillai, Sreehari. H, Parvathy Ajith, Bindhya. S, Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S

Publisher : IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577

Queue size estimation of nodes in a heterogeneous ocean network with multiple priority traffic

Authors : Simi Surendran, Dr. Maneesha V. Ramesh, Dr. Usha Kumari P. V.

Publisher : International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems, Inderscience Publishers (IEL)

Routing Problem In Transportation Of Milk In A Diary-A Case Study

Authors : Sreelekshmi R , Sathidevi C., Dr. Usha Kumari P. V.

Publisher : International journal of Scientific & Technology Research

The Reasons for Dropouts of Adults Learners from Adult Education Centres in Kerala A Case Study

Authors : Sathidevi C.

Publisher : International Journal of Advance Research in Science and Engineering

Usage of Social Media by Youths and its Impact

Authors : Shalini Goutham , Sathidevi C.

Publisher : Journal of Xidian University

Some Diameter Notions in Lexicographic Product of Graphs

Authors : M. R. Chithra, Manju K Menon; , A.Vijayakumar

Publisher : Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications.

A Reading of Veera in Raavanan as a Byronic Hero

Authors : Meera B., Soumya Somanath

Publisher : OPUS: International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities (IJELLH)

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