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Mortal Remains of a City

Authors : Varun Prabha, Vinod L.

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

Movie Posters of Bollywood Remakes: A Semiotic Analysis

Authors : Anusha .V.S., Vinod L., Gokul Balagopal

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

Automated Journalism; A Study on Selection of News Stories based on Individual Priority

Authors : Arya M. R., Athria sreekumar, S. Dinesh Babu

Publisher : OPUS : IJITEE Journal

Impact of Social Media in Dissemination of Information During a Disaster- a Case Study on Kerala Floods 2018

Authors : Aswathi Suresh Babu, S. Dinesh Babu, Harikrishnan D.

Publisher : OPUS: IJITEE journal

Marketing Strategy in Advertisements Using Animated Characters

Authors : Vijayakrishnan, V., Harikrishnan D., S. Dinesh Babu

Publisher : IJPAM.

Cyber Defamation and Social Media Ethics: A Study on Provisions Governing Online Defamation in India

Authors : Athira Sreekumar, S. Dinesh Babu, Arya M R

Publisher : OPUS: IJAIR journal

Representation of Indian Women in 19thcentury Indian Poetry and 21st Century Indian Poetry

Authors : Divya, M. M., Aswathi T.O., Kavya Purushothaman

Publisher : IJITEE

Coverage of Science News in the Three National Dailies

Authors : C.T. Aiswarya, Sanju R., Dinesh Babu

Publisher : International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics.

“Coming Out” of The Baby Dyke in Babyji By Abha Dawesar: An Attempt to Understand Adolescent Lesbianism

Authors : Anjali Krishna, Kavya Purushothaman

Publisher : IJITEE, Volume 8, Issue 7 (2019)

Bama’s Karukku: An Epitome of Self-Efficacy

Authors : Bela C. Baby, Dr. Sreelakshmi N.

Publisher : Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamic and Controlled Systems

Comparitive Study of Women Characters from Few Selected Indian Movies

Authors : Sonia Chelirian, Lekshmi Maheswaran

Publisher : OPUS: International Journal of Scientific Development and Research (IJSDR)

Objectification of Women in Harem Web Novels: An Analysis

Authors : Priyanka Babu, Geetha R Pai

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE)

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