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Decoration of carbon nanomaterials with biogenic silver nanoparticles: cytotoxic activity and applications

Authors : Aswathy Shyam, Sambhudevan, Divya Mohan R , Smitha Chandran.S , Bini George

Publisher : Elsevier

India’s Perspective On Weee Management

Authors : Razim Mohammed. S , Smitha Chandran.S

Publisher : WEEE-Recent Advances

To Analyses and Proposal of Suitable Site Location for Socioeconomic Infrastructure in Karunagappally Municipality

Authors : S. Sumith Satheendran, S. Smitha Chandran, Ananthu Aravi, Smitha Chandrannd , Abin, Varghese

Publisher : National Conference

From a waste to a value added product: Green synthesis of silver nanoparticles from onion peels together with its divers applications

Authors : Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Theertha V,, Smitha Chandran S

Publisher : IConAMMA2019

Web-based 3DGIS Spatial Visualization for Karunagappally Municipality, A Fast Growing Town in the Southern Kerala using Open Source Standards

Authors : Smitha Chandran S, Satheendran S

Publisher : Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research

Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Justicia adhatoda plant extract with its diverse properties

Authors : Rajalekshmi, Roshiny Lohithan, Rakhi Raj, Priyanka Prakash, Abhirami Santosh, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran.S

Publisher : IOP Science: Journal of Physics

Space Based Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Land Surface Temperature in Karunagappally Municipality, a Fast Growing City in the Western Coast of India

Authors : . Sumith Satheendran S, Smitha Chandran S, . Abin Varghese

Publisher : The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences

Achievement of Sustainability by tackling E-waste overpower

Authors : Smitha Chandran.S , Razim Mohammed. S

Publisher : New Handbook with Elsevier: Handbook on Environmental Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE),

Facile Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles from Tinospora cordifolia extract with multiple Applications

Authors : Sreehari. H, Aswathy.S. Murali , Parvathy Ajith, Bindhya. S. Vinod, Amrita Anil, Smitha Chandran. S

Publisher : Materials Today Proceedings

Environmentally benign synthesis of silver nanoparticles using Cynodon dactylon coupled with multiple applications

Authors : Rini John, Nanda Kumar G, Abhirami Santhosh, Priyanka Prakash, Theertha V, Smitha Chandran S

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings 25 (2020) 333–335.

Sustainability Route for Industry 4.O: The future of Global Circular Economic Transition

Authors : Razim Mohammed S , Smitha Chandran S

Publisher : Intech

Sustainable Responsible Tourism Practices: Perspective 0f Paravur

Authors : Srisai Devikrishna. D , Smitha Chandran

Publisher : International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology

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