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Bispidine as a helix inducing scaffold: examples of helically folded linear peptides

Authors : Haridas, V.; , Sandhya Sadanandan; , Gopalakrishna, M. V. S.; , Bijesh, M. B.; , Verma, Ram. P.; , Chinthalapalli, Srinivas; , Shandilya, Ashutosh

Publisher : Chem. Commun., The Royal Society of Chemistry

Bispidine as a secondary structure nucleator in peptides

Authors : Haridas, V.; , Sandhya Sadanandan;, Sharma, Yogesh K.; , Chinthalapalli, Srinivas; , Shandilya, Ashutosh

Publisher : Tetrahedron Letters

Single pot synthesis of polyaniline protected silver nanoparticles by interfacial polymerization and study its application on electrochemical oxidation of hydrazine

Authors : Paulraj, P.; , Janaki, N.; , Sandhya Sadanandan; , Pandian, K.

Publisher : Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

Conducting polyaniline based rubber nanocomposites – Synthesis and characterization studies

Authors : P.M. Mahitha; , K. Sneha; , P.S. Advaith; , K. Rashid Sultan; , Malavika Sajith; , Burney Jose; , S. Hema; , Sreedha Sambhudevan; , Balakrishnan Shankar

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 33, p.1429-1433 (2020)

Dendrons and dendrimers as pseudochaperonins for refolding of proteins

Authors : Dubey, Priyanka, Gautam, Saurabh, Kumar, P. P. Praveen, Sandhya Sadanandan, Haridas, V., Gupta, Munishwar N.

Publisher : RSC Adv., The Royal Society of Chemistry

Combined Anaerobic-Aerobic Bacterial Degradation of Dyes

Authors : Sugumar, R. Wilfred; , Sandhya Sadanandan

Publisher : Hindawi Publishing Corporation

Bispidine-Amino Acid Conjugates Act as a Novel Scaffold for the Design of Antivirals That Block Japanese Encephalitis Virus Replication

Authors : Haridas, V., Rajgokul, Kullampalayam Shanmugam, Sandhya Sadanandan, Agrawal, Tanvi, Sharvani, Vats, Gopalakrishna, M. V. S., Bijesh, M. B., Kumawat, Kanhaiya Lal, Basu, Anirban, Medigeshi, Guruprasad R.

Publisher : Public Library of Science

Synthetic minimalistic tryptophan zippers as a chiroptical switch

Authors : Haridas, V.; , Sandhya Sadanandan; , Dhawan, Sameer; , Mishra, Rituraj; , Jain, Ishani; , Goel, Gaurav;, Hu, Yuan; , Patel, Sandeep

Publisher : Org. Biomol. Chem., The Royal Society of Chemistry, Volume 15, p.1661-1669 (2017)

International conference on advances in material science and chemistry (ICAMSC – 2020): Editorial

Authors : Dr. Naveen V. Kulkarni

Publisher : Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021.

Novel peptidylated surfaces for interference-free electrochemical detection of cardiac troponin I.

Authors : Dhawan, Sameer; , Sandhya Sadanandan; , Haridas, V; , Voelcker, Nicolas H; , Prieto-Simón, Beatriz

Publisher : Biosens Bioelectron, Volume 99, p.486-492 (2018)

Modulation of prion polymerization and toxicity by rationally designed peptidomimetics.

Authors : Srivastava, Ankit; , Sharma, Sakshi; , Sandhya Sadanandan; , Gupta, Sakshi; , Singh, Jasdeep; , Gupta, Sarika; , Haridas, V; , Kundu, Bishwajit

Publisher : Biochem J, Volume 474, Issue 1, p.123-147 (2017)

β,β,β-Trichloroethyl-NH-Enamine as Viable System for 5-Endo-trig Radical Cyclization via Multifaceted CuI−CuII Redox Catalysis: Single Step Synthesis of Multi-Functionalized NH-Pyrroles

Authors : Ram, Ram N.;, Sandhya Sadanandan; , Kumar Gupta, Dharmendra

Publisher : Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis, Volume 361, Issue 24, p.5661-5676 (2019)

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