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Metric dimension of a graph and minimum spanning tree algorithms by navigation of robots

Authors : R. Manjusha , A., S. Kuriakose,

Publisher : Advances in Mathematical modelling and Applications

New wavelet feature for fault diagnosis of roller bearings using decision tree

Authors : Rajan, A. R, Sugumaran, V.,, Manju B. R

Publisher : Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Parameterization of Wavelet Basis in l2(Zn)

Authors : Manju B. R.

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmacy & Technology,

Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia of 12 Lead ECG Using Combination of SMOTEENN, XGBoost and Machine Learning Algorithms

Authors : Manju B. R, A. R. Nair

Publisher : 2019 9th International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design

Wavelet design for fault diagnosis of roller bearings using continuous wavelet transforms

Authors : Manju B. R., Rajan, AR, Sugumaran, V

Publisher : IJMET

Optimized Prediction Model to Diagnose Breast Cancer Risk and Its Management

Authors : Manju B. R., Vinod,

Publisher : Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies, Springer

Optimizing the parameters of wavelets for pattern matching using GA

Authors : Manju B. R, Rajan, AR, Sugumaran, V

Publisher : Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology

A Survey of Pre-processing Techniques Using Wavelets and Empirical-Mode Decomposition on Biomedical Signals

Authors : P. M. Warrier, Manju B. R, Sreedharan, R. P

Publisher : Inventive Communication and Computational Technologies

Controlling the growth rate of cancer cell.

Publisher : J Exp Ther Oncol

Interpolating Estrada Index on a Triangular Mesh

Authors : R. Manjusha, R. Manjusha, Ravi, R. J.,, Ravi, R. J.,

Publisher : International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research

A Performance based comparative study on the Modified version of Empirical Mode Decomposition with traditional Empirical Mode Decomposition

Authors : Manju B. R., Manju B. R., Parvathy Rema, Parvathy Rema

Publisher : Procedia Computer Science

Implementation of Random Projection Filter And Decision Tree J48 For Lung Cancer Detection

Authors : Krishnapriya K. R., Manju B. R

Publisher : ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences

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