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Simultaneous Electrochemical Determination of Tyrosine and Tryptophan at a Poly Diphenylamine Modified Disposable Electrode

Authors : Rajasree G Krishnan, Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : Journal of electrochemical society, ECS, IOP publications

Murexide-Derived In Vitro Electrochemical Sensor for the Simultaneous Determination of Neurochemicals

Authors : Rajasree G Krishnan, Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry

Electrochemical sensors as a versatile tool for the quantitative analysis of Vitamin B12

Authors : Santhy Antherjanam, Rajasree G krishnan, Rajasree G krishnan, Gopika M Gopan, Gopika M Gopan, Dr. Beena S., Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : A review Chemical Papers - 75 (7) 2981–2995 (2021).

Simultaneous electrochemical determination of hydrazine and hydroxylamine on a thiadiazole derivative modified pencil graphite electrode

Authors : Santhy Antherjanam, Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : Materials chemistry and physics, Elsevier.

Electro-generated poly (cysteine) film as a sensor platform towards the simultaneous electroanalysis of hydrazine and hydroxylamine

Authors : Rajasree G Krishnan, Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : Materials chemistry and physics, Elsevier

Disposable Electrochemical Sensor for Coumarin Induced Milk Toxicity in Raw Milk Samples

Authors : Rajasree G Krishnan, Dr. Beena S.

Publisher : Measurement, 170,2021, 108709

Assessment of Waste Management Practices and its Impact on the Village Ecosystem in Himachal Pradesh, India.

Authors : Sampath Kumar S, Balu Saravanan, Hari Lakshman R.B, Ramprasath M, Aishwarya N.K, Aiswarya M.S, Lisa M. Frey (Malini), Krishna Nandanan

Publisher : IEEEXplore

New Method for Source Separation of Ground Borne Vibration Signals

Authors : Pramod K V, Krishna Kumar M, R.S Geethu

Publisher : Hydel Journal

A study on named entity recognition for malayalam language using tnt tagger & maximum entropy markov model

Authors : Shruthi S, Jiljo, Pranav P.V

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Kannada speech to text conversion using CMU Sphinx

Authors : Shivakumar K M, Aravind K.G, Anoop T. V, Deepa Gupta

Publisher : 2016 International Conference on Inventive Computation Technologies (ICICT)

Classification on Hand Gesture Recognition and Translation from Real Time Video using SVM-KNN

Authors : Shruthi S, Sona KC, Kiran Kumar S

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

Dynamic Quantum Shift Algorithm for Load Balancing in High Performance Clusters

Authors : Shivaramu K. N, Roopashree N, Sneha K. V.

Publisher : International Journal of Applied Engineering Research

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