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Dynamic detection of anomalies in pharmaceutical blisters using image processing

Authors : Sudharshan Duth P, ; Shehran Ahmed Haji Ameen, Kareem Baig

Publisher : 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC),

A review on detecting anomalies in tablet blisters using image segmentation

Authors : Sudharshan Duth P, Kareem Baig, Shehran Ahmed Haji Ameen

Publisher : 2018 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC), IEEE,

A case study on marketing challenges faced by coffee processing industry in coorg district

Authors : Mishra K. D., Akkamma K. K.;

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, IAEME Publication,

Impact of career resilience on job performance among the employees of private insurance sector

Authors : Vidya D. Avadhani, Appanna K. K.;

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, IAEME Publication,

Part-of-speech tagging and parsing of Kannada text using Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)

Authors : Shiva Kumar K. M., Reshma K.; , Suraksha N. M.

Publisher : 2017 International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control

Value Chain Financing Strategy for Agro Processing Industry–A Study of Apiculture in Kodagu District

Authors : Sunayana N., Janitha M. L.;

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology,

Sustainable Strategies of Small Scale Pepper Processing Industries ? A Case Study in Wayanad, Kerala

Authors : Ranjith Kumar S., Rajan V. K.;

Publisher : International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, IAEME Publication,

A study on impact of GST on miscellaneous industry; gold

Authors : Ranjith Kumar S., Ashok A

An improved rescheduling and fault tolerance with tcsa for performance improvement in computational grid

Authors : Gokuldev Sahadevan, Anagha P, Sagar S.J, Tantry H.

Publisher : Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology,

Age, Growth and Age Pyramid of Exotic Fish Species Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus 1758) from the Lower Stretch of the Yamuna River, India

Authors : Priyanka Mayank, Amitabh Chandra Dwivedi, Ravindra Kumar Pathak

Publisher : National Academy Science Letters

Stimulation of non-specific immunity, gene expression, and disease resistance in Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758), by the methanolic extract of the marine macroalga, Caulerpa scalpelliformis

Authors : Omita Yengkhom, Omita Yengkhom, Konda Subramanian Shalini, Konda Subramanian Shalini, P A Subramani, P A Subramani, R Dinakaran Michael, R Dinakaran Michael

Publisher : national library of medicine

Bhagavata Mela and Ancient Temple Theater Forms in South India

Authors : Bharatam R.; , Mahalingam; , Murali Rangarajan

Publisher : Melattur Bhagavata Mela Natya Natak Trust

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