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Intertextual device and metaphorical artistry in Bharati Mukherjee’s Tree Bride

Authors : Steffy Antony, Balagopan, Dr. Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Nature: A life sustaining Factor

Authors : Lakshmi G S, Kripa John, Dr. Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Utilisation of virtual assitant and its impact on retail industry

Authors : Dr. Seranmadevi R, Dr. Shibani Chakraverty Aich, Bhoomika Raj Ethakota, Vamsi Krishna Kudapa, R Esther hephziba, Kyambat Suleimenova

Publisher : IEEE

Unearthing the state of media consciousness and its effects

Authors : Vidya SS, Aparna Baburaj, Dr. Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Mass Media: Implications of power dynamics to the ethical well being of the society

Authors : Minuja M J, Uthara R, Dr. Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Covid -19: will digital education transfigure the education system in india

Authors : Gopika G H, Soorya S S. Dr Shibani Chakraverty Aich

New ways of the older world: cyber culture

Authors : Sreelekshmi S, Souparnika B, Dr Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Digital Acculturation: A Study

Authors : Aishwarya H, Sreelekshmi M S, Shilpa M Chandran,Dr Shibani Chakraverty Aich

Gandhian trail: the path of peace and glory in modern times

Authors : Sivani Sai A S, Anjana S, Rithwick B R , Dr Shibani Chakraverty Aich

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