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Making Success Viable by Translating Thoughts into Actions – How Ethical is it: Karmayoga Meets Rhonda Byrne’s Secret

Authors : Ankusha Bandyopadhyay

Publisher : International Conference on Interrogating Cultural Translation: Literature and Fine Arts in Translation

A novel route to synthesize allyl starch and synthesis of biodegradable hydrogel by co-polymerizing allyl modified starch with methacrylic Acid and acrylamide

Authors : S. Bhuniya, Rahman, S, Satyananda, A. J., Gharia, M. M., Dave, A. M.

Publisher : Journal of Polymer Science

Chaos in modulated logistic systems

Authors : Dr. V . M. Nandakumaran

Publisher : Springer

Decentralizing travel: An analysis of Pico Iyer’s video night in Kathmandu

Authors : Achebe, S., Muraleedharan, S.

Publisher : International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering

Psychosocial and Work life Balance Impact on the Empowerment of women Households-Case of Tsunami Victims in Alappad

Authors : Amritalakshmi (Dayanadas)

Publisher : ICSSR Sponsored National Seminar on ‘Focus on Socio Economic Background of Minority Community’ , Sanatana Dharma College, Alappuzha .

Psycho-Social and Work Balance Impact of Employment of Women Households Cases of Tsunami Victims in Alappad

Authors : Amritalakshmi (Dayanadas)

Publisher : National Seminar. SD College, Alappuzha, 2016.

Magnetic properties of layered rare-earth oxy-carbonates Ln2O2CO3 (Ln=Nd, Sm, and Dy)

Authors : Arjun, U.a, Brinda, K.a, Padmanabhan, M.b, Nath, R.a

Publisher : Solid State Communications

Novel light-emitting and magnetically active ‘metallogels’ exhibiting unprecedented solvent encapsulation properties

Authors : Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Vysakh K. K., Vysakh K. K., Alex P. Andrews, Alex P. Andrews, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai

Publisher : International Conference on Materials Science and Technology

Structurally diverse and magnetically active new crystalline metal organic framework (MOF) materials from ‘metallogels

Authors : Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Divya Mohan R, Vysakh K. K., Alex P. Andrews, Dr. Zeena S. Pillai

Publisher : International Conference on Materials Science and Technology

Reversible structural, optical and magnetic switching in crystalline 1-dimensional inorganic-organic hybrid polymers induced by H2O

Authors : Prof. M. Padmanabhan, Sujesh Baby, Sajesh P. Thomas

Publisher : International Conference on Materials Science and Technology

Physico Mechanical Properties of Nano Nickel Ferrite/natural rubber Composites

Authors : Sreedha Sambhudevan, Sankar S Menon, Radhu Krishna, Lida Wilson, Balakrishnan Shankar

Publisher : Fourth International Conference on Polymer Processing and Characterization,, M G University, Kottayam.

Exploration and Evaluation of Proton Source-assisted Photocatalyst for Hydrogen Generation

Authors : Bhagya, T C, Athira Krishnan, S, Arunima Rajan, M, Ameen Sha, Sreelekshmy, B R, Jineesh, P, Shibli, S M A

Publisher : Photochem Photobiol Sci

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