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Vibration signal based condition monitoring of mechanical equipment with scattering transform

Authors : Rijil Ramchand , Ambika, P. S, Rajendrakumar, P. K

Publisher : Springer Link

Oil Spill Detection from Images Using Deep Learning

Authors : Soman, K.P, Gopinath, V, Sachin Kumar, S, Mohan, N

Publisher : SpringerLink

Forecasting and Classification Of Power Quality Disturbance In Smart Grid Using Hybrid Networks

Authors : A. Thasneem, K. Murali, K. Sabeena Beevi, J. A. Varughese, S. Visakh, N. Mohan

Publisher : IEEE

Automated Detection of Kidney Stone Using Deep Learning Models

Authors : Soman K. P, Manoj B, Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar S

Publisher : IEEE

Prospects of NFMD for Power System Frequency and Amplitude Estimation

Authors : Prabaharan Poornachandran, Aadharsh Aadhithya A, Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar S, Soman K. P

Publisher : IEEE

A Fast Iterative Filtering Method for Efficient Denoising of Phonocardiogram Signals

Authors : Soman K P, N Sai Satwik Reddy, V Poorna Muni Saisdhar Reddy, Venkata Siva Manoj A, Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar S

Publisher : IEEE

Face Mask Detection Using Transfer Learning and TensorRT Optimization

Authors : Neethu Mohan, Paleti Nikhil Chowdary, Pranav Unnikrishnan, Rohan Sanjeev, Mekapati Spandana Reddy, KSR Logesh

Publisher : SpringerLink

DMD-CGR: Dynamic Mode Decomposition-based Novel Features for DNA sequence classification

Authors : Soman K. P, Aadharsh Aadhithya A, Anirudh Edpuganti, Sachin Kumar S, Neethu Mohan

Publisher : IEEE

Covid Cough Identification using Machine Learning and Deep Learning Networks

Authors : Soman K P, Anand Vinod, Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar S

Publisher : IEEE

Multi-Focus Image Fusion using 2D Compact Variational Mode Decomposition

Authors : Soman K.P, Swarnamuhi K, A Swetha Tirumalai, Neethu Mohan, Sachin Kumar S

Publisher : IEEE

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