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Circ RNA Based Classification of SARS CoV-2, SARS CoV-1 and MERS-CoV Using Machine Learning

Authors : Soman, K.P, Vinayak, M, Anandaram, H, Sachin Kumar, S

Publisher : SpringerLink

Sentiment Analysis at Document level of Telugu Data from Multi-Domains

Authors : K. Soman, K. V. Reddy, S. Kumar S

Publisher : IEEE

Finding Network Motifs: A comparative study between ILP and Symmetric Rank-One NMF

Authors : Soman K P, Aadharsh Aadhithya A, Sachin Kumar S, Vinith R, Sujadevi V G, Prabaharan Poornachandran

Publisher : IEEE

Natural Language Processing as an Information Extraction Tool for Materials Science: A Review

Authors : Prabhakaran Poornachandran, Manjumol Mathew, Sachin Kumar S, Soman K P, Vinith R,

Exploiting Graph Matrix Duality for Efficient Graph Data Processing

Authors : Soman K.P, R Vinith, Aadharsh Aadhithya A

Publisher : IEEE

New Feature Extraction Method for Identification of Affected Regions and Diagnosis of Cognitive Disorders

Authors : V K Govindan, R Vinith, K Sarthaj, A Lijiya

Publisher : IEEE

Performance improvement for metro passenger flow forecast using spatio-temporal deep neural network

Authors : D. M. D. , Mulerikkal, J , Thandassery, S, Rejathalal, V, Kunnamkody

Publisher : SpringerLink

Passenger flow prediction from AFC data using station memorizing LSTM for metro rail systems

Authors : Fabera, V, Sajanraj, T. D, Mulerikkal, J, Raghavendra, S, Vinith, R

An Intelligent Data Analytics Platform for Metro Rail Transport Systems

Authors : B. Ayyappan, J. Mulerikkal, S. Thandassery, D. M. D. K, V. Rejathalal

Publisher : IEEE

Lower Limb EMG Signal Analysis Using Scattering Transform and Support Vector Machine for Various Walking Conditions

Authors : C. D. Tawk, V. M. Akhil, R. Satheesh , M. Ashmi

Publisher : IEEE

Mode determination in variational mode decomposition and its application in fault diagnosis of rolling element bearings.

Authors : Rijil Ramchand , Ambika, P. S, Rajendrakumar, P. K

Publisher : Springer Link

An approach to rolling bearing fault diagnosis using fractal descriptors and regularized least squares

Authors : Rijil Ramchand , Ambika, P. S, Rajendrakumar, P. K

Publisher : IEEE

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