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Dryland Livestock Rearing Relies Heavily on Tree fodders : A Narrative Review

Authors : Manuvanthra A, Deepak Chandran, Talha Bin Emran, Muhammad Aslam, Vishnu Savanth, Manoj Kumar, Rohit Sharma, Luiz Everson da Silva, , Pran M., Lishma, N , Sureshkumar R.

Publisher : The Indian Veterinary Association

Effect of Liquid Rhizobium with organic Biostimulants on Growth, Yield attributes, Yield of Leguminous Blackgram(Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)

Authors : R.Ajay Kumar, K. Harishankar, K.Sivasabari, P.Rajesh Kumar, T.Saranraj, J. Aravind, S.Kumaraesan

Publisher : Agricultural Research Communication Centre

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