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Critical retrospection of performance of emerging mobile technologies in health data management

Authors : Vyas, S., Bhargava, D., Bhola, J., Ujjan, J. A., Eswaran, S., Rahmani, A. W.,

Publisher : Hindawi

Yield and as Influenced by Various Organic Manure and Nitrogen Levels

Publisher : The Indian Veterinary Association

Potential effects of essential oils in safeguarding the health and enhancing production performance of livestock animals: The current scientific understanding

Authors : Hari Sankar C R, Nithin S Rajan, Raida, Sreya V K, Shreya Suresh, Harisankaran P S, Sheela P, Pran M, Priya R, Mohd. Iqbal Yatoo, Hitesh Chopra, Talha Bin Emran, Abhijit Dey, Kuldeep Dhama, Deepak Chandran

Publisher : Horizon Publisher

Vermicompost and Vermi-leachate in Pest and Disease Management

Authors : Sivasabari, K., Parthasarathy, S., Chandran, D., Sankaralingam, S., Ajaykumar, R.

Publisher : Springer

Evaluation and classification of rice genotypes under different N levels

Authors : K. Sivasabari, S. Jothimani, P. Jayakumar, R. Ajaykumar

Publisher : ICAR

Physiological and Biochemical Characters of Blackgram as Influenced by Liquid Rhizobium with Organic Biostimulants

Authors : Ajaykumar, R., Harishankar, K., Chandrasekaran, P., Kumaresan, P., Sivasabari, K., Rajeshkumar, P., Kumaresan, S.

Publisher : ARCC

Effect of maize high density planting on cluster bean performance under maize-cluster bean cropping sequence

Authors : Priya, R. Raja, Krishnan, V. , Sabareeshwari,, R. Sureshkumar, Deepak Chandran, V. Marthandan

Publisher : ARCC

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