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Interference of annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) in wheat

Authors : Chauhan BS, Ali HH, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Weed Science 68

An Analysis of Polygenic Herbicide Resistance Evolution and its Management based on a Population Genetics Approach

Authors : Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Basic and Applied Ecology 16

Rapid evolution of herbicide resistance by low herbicide dosages

Authors : Powles SB, Renton M, Busi R, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Weed Science 59

Impact of COVID-19 on the Agriculture Sector: Survey Analysis of Farmer Responses from Kerala and Tamil Nadu States in India

Authors : Habanyati EJ, Paramasivam S, Seethapathy P, Jayaraman A, Kedanhoth R, Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Agronomy 12

Emergence and Germination response of Sonchus Oleraceus and Rapistrum Rugosum to Different Temperatures and Moisture Stress Regimes

Authors : Ali HH, Kebaso L, Sudheesh Manalil, Chauhan BS

Publisher : Plant Species Biology

Effect of different climate change Variables on the Ecology and Management of Sesbania Cannabina through Glyphosate

Authors : Iqbal N, Chauhan BS, Sudheesh Manalil, Adkins S

Publisher : Plants 10

A Study on the Assessment of clinical profile and treatment pattern of multiple Sclerosis in a Tertiary care Hospital

Authors : Amrutha, N, Anand, P, Swathy, KR, Anila, KN, R Suresh Kumar

Publisher : Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology, A&V Publications

Effects of bamboo substrate and supplemental feeding on growth and production of hybrid red tilapia fingerlings (Oreochromis mossambicus×Oreochromis niloticus)

Authors : M.C.J Verdegem, T.J Ramesh, P Keshavanath, B Gangadhar, A.A van Dam, T.J Ramesh, M.C.M Beveridge, A.A van Dam, M.C.J Verdegem, M.C.M Beveridge, M.C.J Verdegem

Publisher : Aquaculture

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