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Integrated weed management approach to improve weed control efficiencies for sustainable rice production in dry-seeded systems

Authors : Chauhan BS, Ahmed S, Awan TH, Jabran K, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Crop Protection 71

Rapid emission of nitrous oxide from fallow over summer following wetting in a Mediterranean-type environment

Authors : Riethmuller G, Flower K, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Soil and Tillage Research

An Assessment of Weed Flora 14 years After the Introduction of Glyphosate-tolerant Cotton in Australia

Authors : Manalil S, Preston C, Jackson R, Chauhan BS, Werth J

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science

Weed Management in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) through weed-crop competition: A review

Authors : Coast O, Chauhan BS, Werth J, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Crop Protection 95

Soil water conservation and nitrous oxide emissions from different crop sequences and fallow under Mediterranean conditions

Authors : Flower K, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Soil and Tillage Research

An Herbicide-susceptible Rigid Ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) Population Made Even More Susceptible

Authors : Manalil S, Busi R, Renton M, Powles SB

Publisher : Weed Science 60

Competitiveness of windmill grass (Chloris truncata) and feathertop Rhodes grass (Chloris virgata) in mungbean (Vigna radiata)

Authors : Prof. Sudheesh Manalil, Chauhan BS, Mobli A

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science 71

Germination Ecology of Sonchus oleraceus L. in the Northern Region of Australia

Authors : Ali HH, Chauhan BS, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Crop and Pasture Science 69

Interference of turnipweed (Rapistrum rugosum) and Mexican pricklepoppy (Argemone mexicana) in wheat

Authors : Chauhan BS, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Weed Science 67

Interference of annual sowthistle (Sonchus oleraceus) in wheat

Authors : Chauhan BS, Ali HH, Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Weed Science 68

An Analysis of Polygenic Herbicide Resistance Evolution and its Management based on a Population Genetics Approach

Authors : Prof. Sudheesh Manalil

Publisher : Basic and Applied Ecology 16

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