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Effect of herbicides on Weed Management in dry-seeded rice Sown under different tillage Systems

Authors : Singh VP, Dhyani VC, Singh SP, Kumar A, Manalil S, Chauhan BS

Publisher : Crop Protection 80

Biology, Ecology and Management of Raphanus Raphanistrum L.: a Noxious Agricultural and Environmental Weed

Authors : Kebaso L, Namubiru H, Frimpong D, Iqbal N, Bajwa AA

Publisher : Environmental Science and Pollution Research 27

Effect of Emergence time on Growth and Fecundity of Rapistrum Rugosum and Brassica tournefortii in the northern region of Australia

Authors : Mobli A, Chauhan BS., Manalil S, Khan AM, Jha P

Publisher : Scientific Reports 10

Effect of Narrow Row-spacing and Weed crop Competition duration on Cotton Productivity

Authors : Iqbal N, Adkins SW, Manalil S, Chauhan BS

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 68

Germination Ecology of Brachiaria eruciformis in Australia and Its Implications for Weed Management

Authors : Mobli A, Chauhan BS, Mollaee M, Manalil S,

Publisher : Agronomy 10

Eco-biology, impact, and Management of Sorghum Halepense

Authors : Peerzada AM, Kebaso L, Ali HH, Hanif Z, Bajwa AA

Publisher : Biological Invasions

Glyphosate-tolerant cotton in Australia: successes and failures

Authors : Iqbal N, Adkins SW, Manalil S, Chauhan BS,

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65

Investigation of Alternate Herbicides for effective weed Management in glyphosate-tolerant cotton.

Authors : Iqbal N, Manalil S, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW

Publisher : Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 65:

Biology and management of two Hordeum weedy species: A review

Authors : Iqbal N, Kebaso L, Bajwa AA, Manalil S, Khan AM

Publisher : Crop Protection 125

Germination biology of sesbania (Sesbania cannabina): An emerging weed in the australian cotton agro-environment

Authors : Iqbal N, Chauhan BS, Adkins SW, Manalil S

Publisher : Weed Science 67

Correction: Germination ecology of Chloris truncata and its implication for weed management

Authors : Chauhan BS, Manalil S, Florentine S, Jha P

Publisher : PLoS ONE

Glyphosate resistance of C3and C4weeds under rising atmospheric CO2

Authors : Fernando N, Seneweera S, Manalil S, Florentine SK, Chauhan BS,

Publisher : Frontiers in Plant Science 7

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