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Damage Detection On Composite Beam: FEA & Experiment

Authors : Sabarinath S.;, Andrew, Alan;, Unnikrishnan, M, Rajan, Akash; , Fred, Tony; , Johny, Jobin; , Harikrishnan, PS; , Brilliant, Antony;

Publisher : International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT)

Styrene butadiene rubber as a viscosity improver: experimental investigations and quantum chemical studies

Authors : Sabarinath S., Prabhakaran Nair, K, Parameswaran, P, Rajendrakumar, PK

Publisher : Sage Publications

Evaluation of physicochemical, thermal and tribological properties of sesame oil (Sesamum indicum L.): a potential agricultural crop base stock for eco-friendly industrial lubricants

Authors : Sabarinath S.; , Nair, Kumarapillai Prabhakaran; , Rajendrakumar, Perikinalil Krishnan

Publisher : Inderscience Publishers

Evaluation of tribological properties of sesame oil as biolubricant with SiO2 nanoparticles and imidazolium-based ionic liquid as hybrid additives

Authors : Sabarinath S.;, Rajendrakumar, P. K.; , Prabhakaran Nair, K.

Publisher : SAGE Publications

Micro and nanoparticles blended sesame oil bio-lubricant: study of its tribological and rheological properties

Authors : Sabarinath S.;, Prabhakaran Nair, Kumarapillai;, Rajendrakumar, Perikinalil Krishnan

Publisher : IET

Biolubricant from Pongamia Oil

Authors : Sabarinath S., Nair, Avinash Ajith, Sureshkumar, Harigovind, Das, Hareesh Kuttuvelil, Bijo, Benji Varghese

Publisher : IntechOpen

Agricultural Problems and Technology-Based Sustainable Solutions for an Impoverished Village of Bihar, India

Authors : Anirudha Vachaspati Vempati, G.I. Aswath, Saieshwar Radhakrishnan, Raakheshsubhash Arumuga Rajan, Nikhil K. Kothurkar, L.M. Frey, Krishna Nandanan

Publisher : IEEEXplore

Technology enabled pathways for a waste free village

Authors : Saravanan R., Renjith Mohan, Krishna Nandanan, Y Suchit, Ilam Bharathi G, N. Pranay, Sharath Kumar P

Publisher : SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

Assessment of Waste Management Practices and its Impact on the Village Ecosystem in Himachal Pradesh, India.

Authors : Sampath Kumar S, Balu Saravanan, Hari Lakshman R.B, Ramprasath M, Aishwarya N.K, Aiswarya M.S, Lisa M. Frey (Malini), Krishna Nandanan

Publisher : IEEEXplore

System Design for Integrating Technologies for Building Water Wise Communities

Publisher : SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology

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