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Teaching The design of T-S Fuzzy Controllers for an Under-Graduate Course

Authors : R. Rajesh, T. Suresh Kumar, Dr. M. R. Kaimal, K. K. Suresh

Publisher : Control, Virtual Instrumentation and Digital Systems, Research in Computing Science

Selective tuning visual attention model

Authors : J. Amudha, Soman, KP

Publisher : International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering

Saliency based visual tracking of vehicle

Authors : J. Amudha, Soman, KP

Publisher : International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering

Analyzing the Long Range Dependence and Object Popularity in Evaluating the Performance of Web Caching

Authors : Dr. Sajeev G. P., Sebastian, MP

Publisher : International Journal of Information Technology and Web Engineering (IJITWE)

Efficiency Improvement in Solar Co generation using Micro channel Heat Exchangers

Authors : Dr. Udaya Bhaskar Reddy Ragula, Dr. Sriram Devanathan

Publisher : 2nd Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry Conference

OLabs of Digital India, Its Adaptation for Schools in Côte d’Ivoire, West Africa

Authors : Demba, Ahassanne, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Raghu Raman

Publisher : Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH

Understanding vision-based continuous sign language recognition

Authors : N. Aloysius, M. Geetha

Publisher : Multimedia Tools and Applications

A scale space model of weighted average CNN ensemble for ASL fingerspelling recognition

Authors : N. Aloysius, M. Geetha,

Publisher : International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering

CNN and Stacked LSTM Model for Indian Sign Language Recognition

Authors : C. Aparna, M. Geetha,

Publisher : Machine Learning and Metaheuristics Algorithms, and Applications

Novel Approach for Detection of Early Diabetic Retinopathy

Authors : Rahul M.S.P, Namrata A. Mahakalkar, Dr. Tripty Singh

Publisher : 3rd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2019)

A Novel Method on Action Recognition Based on Region and Speed of Skeletal End points

Authors : B., A. Suresh, Harsha, M. P., Rohith, P., Gayathri Unni, M. Geetha

Publisher : 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)

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