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Computing Multiplicative Spanners Efficiently for a Class of Simple Graphs

Authors : Y. Veluri, Jayakumar P., J. J. Nair

Publisher : 2018 International Conference on Data Science and Engineering (ICDSE)

Quantifying stimulus information in spike trains during plasticity

Authors : Manjusha Nair, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher : INCF workshop, India .

A Combined Approach Using Semantic Role Labelling and Word Sense Disambiguation for Question Generation and Answer Extraction

Authors : Lekshmi R Pillai, G. Veena, Deepa Gupta

Publisher : Second International Conference on Advances in Electronics, Computers and Communications (ICAECC)

Techniques for Secure Communication in Emerging Wireless Ubiquitous Networks

Authors : Rajathilagam, Dr. P Venkat Rangan, Br. Jayaraj

Publisher : The International conference on High Power Computing (HiPC)

Exact Fuzzy Modeling and Optimal control of a Launch Vehicle in the atmospheric phase

Authors : P. P. Mohanlal, Dr. M. R. Kaimal, S. Dasgupta

Publisher : ICARCV, IEEE

Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis in MR images using statistical methods

Authors : Jyothisha J. Nair, Mohan, N.

Publisher : Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2017

Anomaly Detection in Role Administered Relational Databases – A Novel Method

Authors : Raji Ramachandran, Nidhin, R, P Shogil, P

Publisher : International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Data Science, North Cap University, Guru gram, India

An Approach Towards Building an IoT Based Smart Classroom

Authors : Ani R., Krishna S., Akhil H, Arun U

Publisher : International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) Cite this publication

Automatic Fuzzy Controllers for Gyros.

Authors : R. Rajesh, Dr. M. R. Kaimal

Publisher : National Systems Society Conference

Challenges in using Watershedding in Segmentation of Medical images

Authors : B. Sakthi Arumugam, B. Uma Maheswari, Dr. Kumar Rajamani

Publisher : National Conference on Advanced Image Processing and Networking (NACIPAN ’09)

Contributions to english to hindi machine translation using example-based approach

Authors : Dr. Deepa Gupta

Publisher : Unpublished Ph. D. Thesis submitted at Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, Citeseer

Virtual Labs Collaborative & Accessibility Platform (VLCAP)

Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, , Raghu Raman, Prof. Prema Nedungadi, Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dr. Shyam Diwakar

Publisher : Proceedings of The 2011 IAJC-ASEE International Conference .

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