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Vayaruvedana Nissaaramaakkaruthu- An Article on Abdominal Pain

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : The Dent Care

Effectiveness of Incentive Spirometry and Deep Breathing Exercise in Improving Pulmonary Function

Authors : Prof. Sheela Pavithran

Publisher : Journal of Midwifery and Nursing

"Bhakshanaththile Krithrima Niram Visham" An Article on Adverse Effects of Food Colours

Authors : Dr. Sunil M.

Publisher : Ayurarogyam Magazine

Complementary medicine and alternative therapies

Authors : Chitra P., Dr. Jeyagowri M., Dr. Pavithran K.

Publisher : Indian Journal of Holistic Nursing

Role of omega -3 fatty acids in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders

Authors : Harikrishnan, K.V., Rajashree, R., Mukesh, M., Remya, R.

Publisher : JPR

The Perception of Children Regarding their Mother’s Employment in Selected School, Ernakulam.

Authors : John, Stephy, Regina Antony

Publisher : Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research

Current trends in oncology nursing

Authors : Chitra P.

Publisher : Workshop organized by PSG College of Nursing

“Bronchoscopy – Enthu enthinu?”, An article on Bronchoscopy.

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : The Dentcare

Chovvode chottupathram- an article on nutrition of school children

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : Arogyapadmam

Bhakshanaththile Krithrima Niram Visham An Article on Adverse Effects of Food Colours

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : Ayurarogyam Magazine

Application of Maccoby and Martin’s Parenting style model and Rosenstock’s Health Belief Model.

Authors : Reshma. K. Sasi, Josy A Mathew

Publisher : International Journal of Pediatric Nursing

Vibration Perception Threshold Values and Clinical Symptoms of Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy

Authors : Anirudhan Arya Medakkel, Prof. Sheela Pavithran

Publisher : Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research .

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