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Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner : A Need of the Hour in the Indian Context

Authors : Deepu Prasad

Publisher : Manipal University

Selfcare Agency and Selfcare Practice of Pregnant Women with Diabetes

Authors : Lekha Viswanath

Publisher : MIMS College of Nursing

Role Strain and Coping among Caregivers of Stroke Clients- A Mixed Method Research.

Authors : Kanmani J

Publisher : Omayal Achi College of Nursing in Collaboration

Data Collection Strategies in Mixed Method Research

Authors : Deepu Prasad

Publisher : 2nd International Conference on Mixed Method Research

Stress among Primary Caregivers of Liver Transplant Patients

Authors : Anjana A. P., Arunima V S, Jaisha M J

Publisher : Asian Journal of Nursing Education and Research

Taste Alterations and Quality of Life of Patients Recieving Chemotherapy

Authors : Anooja Antony, Prof. Sheela Pavithran

Publisher : Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research

Cartoon Medical Clinic- Piles

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : Manorama Arogyam

Ajinomotto upayogam sookshichu- an article on dangers of using ajinomotto

Authors : Prof. Sunil M.

Publisher : Mathrubhumi daily

Study to assess the relations between caregiver burden and coping strategies among the Caregivers of patients with mood disorders in psychiatric Unit of AIMS Kochi

Authors : Mr Monisha Mohan, Prof. Sreedevi P. A., Ms.Febu Elizabath Joy

Publisher : Pondichery Journal of Nursing

Study to assess parental self efficacy among parents of children with intellectual disability in selected special school

Authors : Ms.Liya Louis, Prof. Sreedevi P. A., Rajeesh R Nair

Publisher : Pondicherry Journal of Nursing

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