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The School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (SSBS) seeks to fulfill the noble mission to drive research for societal good with compassion as the firm foundation.

The sole basis of research at the School of Social and Behavioural Sciences is disseminating knowledge to help humankind improve their way of life. The research done at the School paves the way for upliftment of people without any gender bias. Only visible research can be effectively utilized by society to create a larger impact. It becomes essential that the findings cross borders and reach out to a diverse global audience. The School of Social and Behavioural Science encourages researchers and students to contribute to well-reputed publication venues. The venues can be national and international conferences, forums, Scopus indexed journals, Peer-reviewed journals, chapter contributions to various books co-authored by subject matter experts. To know more about the wonderful contributions of our researchers and students, click on the link given.

Journal Article

Attitude of Student Professionals towards Persons with Disabilities

Authors: Dr. Prasath Selvaraj, Hilalulla K.B., Arul Actovin C.

Publisher : Nepal Journals Online

Assessing the Long-term Viability of Farmers’ Collectives in South India

Authors: Dr. Vivek S., Veena Suresh, Sreejith S. S.

Publisher : Frontiers in Sociology

An integrated methodology for assessment of drinking-water quality in low-income settings

Authors: Reshma Ramesh, Ajith, V., Fishman, R., Yosef, E., Edris, S., Suresh, R. A., … & Mamane, H.

Publisher : Environmental Development

Vulnerability mapping: A conceptual framework towards a context-based approach to women’s empowerment

Authors: Dr. Bhavani Rao R., Dr. Christopher Coley, Gressel, C. M.; Rashed T.; Maciuika, Laura Aswati; Srividya Sheshadri; Kongeseri, Sreeram

Publisher : World Development Perspectives

Analysis of speed control of DC motor using LQR method

Authors: Dr. Bhavani Rao R., V. Saisudha, Seeja, G., V. Pillay, R., Manikutty, G.

Publisher : International Journal of Control Theory and Applications,

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