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Journal Article

Prevalence of Depression among students of a dental tertiary care centre in Kerala

Authors : DhanyaRaghunathan, DevrajRamakrishnan,K. V. Iris Valsan and SuchitraAmbika

Publisher : Indian J Community Med

Immunization Coverage in a Rural Area of Malappuram District, Kerala: A Cross Sectional Study

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Vivin Vincent, Teena Mary Joy, Dulari Gupta

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding hepatitis B among medical students in a private medical college in Kochi

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Arun Jacob, Teena Mary Joy, HarshaLais, Nimitha Paul

Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Health

Nutritional assessment of tribal women in Kainatty, Wayanad: A cross-sectional study

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, K Amritesh, HarshaLais, Sanjeev Vasudevan, S Ajithakumari

Publisher : Indian Journal of Community Medicine

Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence among women in a rural coastal area in Kerala

Authors : AathiraKizhakkeveetilAjith, AmrithaRekha, SucharithaDuttagupta, Vinita Murali , DevrajRamakrishnan , VijayakumarKrishnapillai

Publisher : Indian J Community Med

Outbreak investigation of acid fly attack among residential students in a tertiary care centre in South India

Authors : Dr. Leyanna Susan George, Devraj R, Arun Jacob , HarshaLais , Midhun M, Panicker KN

Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Health

Evaluation of a community based yoga training programme in Ernakulam

Authors : Dr. Paul T. Francis, Vasudev A

Publisher : Int. J Community Med Public Health

From neglect to equity vis-a-vis noncommunicable diseases and neglected tropical diseases

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., VijayaKumar K,Devraj R.

Publisher : Indian J Community Med.

Variations in common diseases, hospital admissions, and deaths in middle-aged adults in 21 countries from five continents (PURE): a prospective cohort study

Authors : 6) Dagenais GR, Leong DP, Rangarajan S, Lanas F, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Gupta R, Diaz R, Avezum A, Oliveira GBF, Wielgosz A, Parambath SR, Mony P, Alhabib KF, Temizhan A, Ismail N, Chifamba J, Yeates K, Khatib R, Rahman O, Zatonska K, Kazmi K, Wei L, Zhu J, Rosengren A, Vijayakumar K, Kaur M, Mohan V, Yusufali A, Kelishadi R, Teo KK, Joseph P, Yusuf S.

Publisher : Lancet

Assessment of air borne infection control and practices in health care institutions in Kerala, southern India

Authors : Arun Raj, DevrajRamakrishnan, Carmel RegeelaMainuThekkeveettil Thomas, Amrita Das Mavila, Midhun Rajiv, Rakesh Purushothama Bhat Suseela

Publisher : . Indian J Community Med

Reliability and validity of PHQ-9 when administered by health workers for depression screening among women in primary care

Authors : Dr. Indu P. S., Anilkumar TV, Vijayakumar K, Kumar KA, Sarma PS, Remadevi S, Andrade C

Publisher : Asian J Psychiatr

Effectiveness of community-based depression intervention programme (ComDIP) to manage women with depression in primary care- randomised control trial

Authors : Dr. Indu P. S., Indu PS, Anilkumar TV, Vijayakumar K, Kumar KA, Sarma PS, Remadevi S, Andrade C.

Publisher : Asian J Psychiatr.

A study on container breeding mosquitoes with special references to Aeades(Stegomyia)aegypti and Ae.albopictus in Thiruvananthapuram district, India

Authors : K.Vijayakumar,Sudheeshkumar.T.K, Zenia.TNujum, UmarulFarook, AnuKuriakos

Publisher : Journal of Vector borne disease

Seroprevalence of dengue infection in pregnant women and placental antibody transfer

Authors : Nujum ZT, Saritha N, Prathibha Raj MR, Gayathri AV, Nirmala C, Vijayakumar K, Varghese S.Med

Publisher : J Armed Forces India

Burden of dengue in Kerala using disability-adjusted life years from 2006 to 2016

Authors : Nujum ZT, Vijayakumar K, Meenakshy V, Beegum MS.

Publisher : Indian J Public Health.

Comparison of Health-care Utilization Pattern and its Correlates among the Tribal and NonTribal Population of Kerala

Authors : Moosan H, Stanley A, Prabhakaran AO, Vijayakumar K, Jayasree AK, Gopakumar S

Publisher : Indian J Community Med

Impediments to Optimal Health-care Utilization of a Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Group in Wayanad: A Qualitative Study

Authors : Moosan H, Stanley A, Vijayakumar K, Jayasree AK, Lawrence T, VeenaA

Publisher : Indian J Community Med.

HPV vaccine knowledge and coverage among female students in medical college, Kerala

Authors : Dr. Paul T. Francis, Niveditha Das E.

Publisher : Int. J Community Med Public Health

Intimate partner violence experienced by pregnant women availing antenatal care at a rural hospital in South Karnataka

Authors : Dr. Chitra Tomy, Mani MR, Deepa S, Christy SA, Johnson AR.

Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Heal.

Staphylococcus aureus carrier state among surgery and orthopedics health care personnel of a tertiary care center

Authors : Sara Varghese, Devraj Ramakrishnan, Jyothi Rajahamsan, Sreekanth Karthikeyan Balakrishnan, Indu Rajendradas Mercybai, Mathew Joseph Valamparampil, Ananth Mohan, Amjith Rajeevan

Publisher : Clin Epidemiol Glob Health.

Prevalence of Smoking Among Male Medical Students in a Tertiary Medical Care Centre in Kerala

Authors : Fazimsha Hameedkunju, Fathima Shimah, Sabarmi Debbarma, Dhanya Reghunathan, Devraj Ramakrishnan, Indu Pillaveetil Sathyadas

Publisher : Amrita J Med.

COVID 19 Pandemic :Knowedge , Attitude and Practice of Public in South India

Authors : Dr. C. V. Lalithambika, Dr. Saraswathy L., Dr. Aparna Ajay, Dr. Col Vishal Marwaha, Dr. Lakshmi Aravindan


Impact of an educational intervention on internet usage, among students of an urban higher secondary school in Kochi, Kerala

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Reshma Javed, Alexander John, Nimitha Paul, Ratheesh Kumar

Publisher : International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health

Adherence to Methotrexate therapy in patients with rheumatoid arthritis – a hospital based cross sectional study from Kochi, Kerala

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Dr. Mithun C. B., ChitraBabu, Athira, James Jijo, Lakshmi Jayasree Aravindan, K Vijayakumar

Publisher : Indian Journal of Community Medicine

A tertiary care system response to COVID-19 in a resource limited setting: A 6-month experience

Authors : Dr. Merlin Moni, Dr. Dipu T. S., Dr. Aswathy S., Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Prasanna P, Edathadathil F, Thomas E, Joy H, Vijayakumar K, Beena KV.

Publisher : Int J Community Med Public Health

A novel banana fiber pad for menstrual hygiene in India: a feasibility and acceptability study

Authors : Dr. Krishnashree Achuthan, Dr. Aswathy S., SharanyaMuthupalani, VysakhKaniKolil, AnjuBist, Krishna Sreesuthan

Publisher : BMC Women’s Health

A qualitative study exploring the views on tobacco use and cessation support among patients in Kenya

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Yvonne Olando, AnindoMajumdar, Marie Chan Sun, Catriona Jennings, KemiTibazarwa, Holly Gray, and KatarzynaZatonska

Publisher : African Journal of Alcohol & Drug Abuse

Prevalence of Internet Gaming Disorder among Engineering Students Aged 18–25 Years: A Cross-Sectional Study from Ernakulam Distric

Authors : Dr. Sreelakshmi Mohandas, Nevin J. Palal, Minu Maria Mathew, Aravind S. Raj, Aravind V. Mohan, Abdul Bari, Amrithachandra K. P., Aravindh Krishna R.

Publisher : Amrita Journal of Medicine

Diagnostic and Treatment Delay among New Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients in Southern India : A Cross Sectional Study

Authors : Dr. Paul T. Francis, Arjun Balasubramnian, K Leelamoni, PS Rakesh, JishnuSatheesLalu

Publisher : Indian J Public Health

Glycemic Control and its determinants among people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Ernakulam District, Kerala

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Shana ShirinNajeeb, Teena Mary Joy, K Vijayakumar, Syama, Sneha G, Steffi A V, Vishnu B

Publisher : Indian J Public Health

Uncontrolled blood pressure and associated factors among persons with diabetes from a community-based study in Kerala, India

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Dr. Jaideep C. Menon, Vijayakumar K, Vishnu B Menon, Minu Maria Mathew, Rajeesh R Nair, Gopal S Pillai, Mathews Numpelil, Vishal Marwaha

Publisher : Frontiers in Public Health

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in standardised First Few X cases and household transmission investigations: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Lewis HC, Marcato AJ, Meagher N, Valenciano M, Villanueva-Cabezas JP, Spirkoska V, Fielding JE, Karahalios A, Subissi L, Nardone A, Cheng B, Rajatonirina S, Okeibunor J, Aly EA, Barakat A, Jorgensen P, Azim T, Wijesinghe PR, Le LV, Rodriguez A, Vicari A, Van Kerkhove MD, McVernon J, Pebody R, Price DJ, Bergeri I; Unity Studies Collaborator Group; Al Ariqi L, Alemu MA, Alvi Y, Bukusi EA, Chung PS, Dambadarjaa D, Das AK, Dub T, Dulacha D, Ebrahim F, González-Duarte MA, Guruge D, Heraud JM, Heredia-Melo DC, Herman-Roloff A, Herring BL, Inbanathan FY, Islam F, Jeewandara KC, Kant S, Khan W, Lako R, Leite J, Malavige GN, Mandakh U, Mariam W, Mend T, Mize VA, Musa S, Nohynek H, Olu OO, Osorio-Merchán MB, Pereyaslov D, Randremanana RV, de Dieu Randria MJ, Ransom J, Saxena S, Sharma P, Sreedevi A, Satheesh M, Subhashini KJ, Tippet-Barr BA, Usha A, Wamala JF, Watare SH, Yadav K.

Publisher : Influenza and Respiratory Diseases

Impact of New Competency-Based Medical Curriculum on the Educational Environment of Medical Studentsin a Medical College in Central Kerala

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., E.V. DeepasreeVarier, GayathriSobha, Angel Babychan, NajiyaNajeem Jasmin, Naveena Manu, P. Gopika, AyshaNaurinFirosh, Gondi GouriHanisha, Avani Dinesh, Minu Maria Mathew and SilpaThozhuthungalSasi

Publisher : HAP Journal of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Prevalence of Oral Health Issues and Its Associated Risk Factors among Post-COVID Patients in Kannur, Kerala:A Cross-Sectional Study

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., AthiraRadhakrishnan, Avani Dinesh, Minu Maria Mathew

Publisher : HAP Journal of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Mental health and COVID 19 among seafarers working in maritime industry residing in India : a pilot study

Authors : AnandGurleen Kaur, Teena Mary Joy

Publisher : HAP Journal of Public Health and Clinical Medicine

Experiences and Beliefs on Tobacco Use, Cessation in India: A Qualitative Study

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Majumdar A, Olando Y, Sun MC, Jennings C, Tibazarwa K, Gray H, Zatonska K, Pk R, Najeeb SS

Publisher : Global Heart

Transmissibility of severe acute respiratorysyndrome coronavirus 2 among household contacts ofcoronavirus disease 2019-positive patients: A community-based study in India.Influenza Other Respi Viruses

Authors : Dr. Prem Kumar Nair, Aswathy Sreedevi , Ahmad Mohammad, Mini Satheesh, Anuja Ushakumari, Anil Kumar, Geetha Raveendran, Saritha Narayankutty, Soumya Gopakumar, Anisur Rahman, Sachin David, Minu Maria Mathew

From Colonoscope to Microscope: The Diagnosis of Trichuris Trichiura

Authors : Dr. Shine Sadasivan, Sushma Krishna, Kavitha Dinesh, Aswathy S, Shamsul Karim

Publisher : International Journal of Case Reports

Pattern of contraceptive use, determinants and fertility intentions among tribal women in Kerala, India: a cross-sectional study

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Dr. Prema Nedungadi, Prof. Raghu Raman, Krishnapillai Vijayakumar, Shana Shirin Najeeb, Vishnu Menon, Minu Maria Mathew, Lakshmi Aravindan, Rithima Anwar, Syama Sathish, Viroj Wiwanitkit

Publisher : BMJ

Effectiveness of an ‘abridged course in medical education technology’ based on students’ evaluation of the teachers’ performance

Authors : Dr. Alexander John, Dr. Sumithra N. Unni, Joy Teena , Paul Nimitha, Gopalakrishnan, Suja Gopinathan, Anusha

Publisher : International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health

Gastric cancer in Kashmir

Authors : Qurieshi, M.A.a; Masoodi, M.A.b; Kadla, S.A.c; Ahmad, S.Z.d; Gangadharan, P.e

Publisher : Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention

Breakfast-eating Habits of School-Going Adolescents in Kochi, Kerala, India.

Authors : Dr. Rakesh P. S., Kurien, Ann John; Rejiv, Anjali; Premarajan, Anusree; Renjini, B A .

Publisher : Natl Med J India .

Availability and affordability of essential medicines for diabetes across high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: a prospective epidemiological study.

Authors : Dr. Rajesh Senthil Kumar T., Chow, Clara K; Ramasundarahettige, Chinthanie; Hu, Weihong; AlHabib, Khalid F; Avezum, Alvaro; Cheng, Xiaoru; Chifamba, Jephat; Dagenais, Gilles; Dans, Antonio; Egbujie, Bonaventure A; Gupta, Rajeev; Iqbal, Romaina; Ismail, Noorhassim; Keskinler, Mirac V; Khatib, Rasha; Kruger, Lanthé; Kumar, Lanas, Fernando; Lear, Scott; Lopez-Jaramillo, Patricio; McKee, Martin; Mohammadifard, Noushin; Mohan, Viswanathan; Mony, Prem; Orlandini, Andres; Rosengren, Annika; Vijayakumar, Krishnapillai; Wei, Li; Yeates, Karen; Yusoff, Khalid; Yusuf, Rita; Yusufali, Afzalhussein; Zatonska, Katarzyna; Zhou, Yihong; Islam, Shariful; Corsi, Daniel; Rangarajan, Sumathy; Teo, Koon; Gerstein, Hertzel C; Yusuf, Salim

Publisher : Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol

Incidence and Outcomes of Dengue in a Cohort of Pregnant Women from an Endemic Region of India: Obesity Could be a Potential Risk for Adverse Outcomes

Authors : Nujum ZT, Nirmala C, Vijayakumar K, SabooraBeegum M, Jyothi R.

Publisher : Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg

Cervical cancer screening: Current knowledge & practice among women in a rural population of Kerala, India

Authors : Dr. Aswathy S., Dr. Leelamony K., Quereshi, Mariya Amin; Kurian, Beteena;

Publisher : The Indian journal of medical research, Medknow Publications

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