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Amrita CodeChef Campus Chapter aims to bring the delight of CP to each and everyone. Believing in the joy of giving, we strive to bring about a community where everyone goes back with improved analytical skills, problem-solving ability, and confidence to tackle coding questions head-on.

What is CP?

Competitive Programming is a sport that works all your grey cells. You get to race against players from all over the world to solve gripping problems and beat the clock. From fascinating storylines, challenging constraints to a multitude of choices from a banquet of languages, CP has it all. In simple terms, CP is the gym for your brain.

Unlike other fields of education which can be mastered by learning, a grasp of CP can only be obtained by participating in a lot of contests. Practicing problems helps you to come up with optimized solutions by analyzing time and space complexity.

About Us

Amrita CodeChef Chapter is a department-wide club and we target every student who is interested in problem-solving. We conduct events and contests for students to achieve mastery in Competitive Coding. We have hosted a good number of coding contests for students to learn and practice (including long contests). For newbies, it is important for them to get the basics right. So we also conduct a lot of discussion sessions on DSA topics and editorial sessions discussing the solutions for already hosted contests to promote community learning. A Mini Long Challenge [2021 Headlines] was conducted in the Codechef platform recently, where around 76 students participated. A discussion session on the problems was also conducted to help the students understand the logic and to improve their problem-solving skills. We also spread awareness about ICPC – International Collegiate Programming Contest, and we believe that the sessions we take help students prepare for it.

Contact Details: Feel free to contact us at

Faculty Chapter Advisor: Mr. Ritwik M – Assistant Professor (SR), Department of CSE

Office Bearers

CodeChefs’ March Long challenge 2021 Discussion Session

Date: March 15, 2021
Time: 5:00pm to 7:30pm
Virtual Mode/Venue: Virtual – Teams
Number of Participants: 46
Number of problems discussed: 6

The discussion session for the March Long Challenge 2021 was conducted for students of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd years, and the problems discussed in it were of various difficulty levels. First-year students were also given a quick recap of the time and space complexity topics. The overall discussion session was lively and with different levels of the problem being discussed, participants in all levels of CP skill were benefited from the session.

Code@Amrita Induction & CP Discussion

Date: 7th March 2021
Time:  5:00pm to 6:45pm
Virtual Mode/Venue: Virtual – Microsoft Teams
Number of Participants: 45
Number of problems discussed: 4

A brief introduction was given at the beginning about Code@Amrita club and the importance of Competitive coding, exclusively for 1st-year students. Then the February Lunchtime challenge problems and Mini long challenge (Held by CodeChef Amrita CBE Chapter in January) problems were discussed. A live discussion was engaged with the participants and different methods approached by the participants were discussed with their pros and cons.

Pimbilikka Pilapi: 2021 Headlines

Duration: 8/1/2021 – 17:30 to 11/1/2021 – 17:30
Contest link: HELI2021
No of problems:          8
Total number of participants: 90

A themed contest to bid goodbye to the year 2020 and welcome 2021. A challenge through the space-time fabric set amidst various obstacles taking the participants on a tour through time on core concepts of CP.

Amrita October Challenge contest

Date: October 30, 2020
Time: 4 to 7 pm.
Contest link: AOC2020
No of problems: 5
Difficulty level: 3-Easy, 1-Medium, 1-Hard
Total number of participants: 46

A coding contest with problems ranging across varied difficulties and varied algorithms to give the participants an actual feel of the competitive programming scenario.

Practice Online Coding contest

Date: September 21, 2020
Time: 7-10 pm
Platform: CodeChef
Contest Link: AITC2020
No. of participants: 80

A coding contest to introduce the participants to competitive programming and CodeChef, based on algorithms, data structures, and problem-solving. The questions were chosen at a very beginner friendly level to introduce newcomers to the world of CP.

Introduction to Competitive Programming and Getting Started with CodeChef at Amrita

Date: September 19, 2020
Time: 5:00 pm to 5:40pm
No. of participants: 70

An introductory session aimed at making the participants familiar with the basic concepts of competitive programming and providing insights regarding how to use the CodeChef platform to practice coding.

Topics Covered:

Long Challenge Problem Discussion

Date: 25/06/2019 – 26/06/-2019
Venue: CTS lab AB-3

A session was conducted for the 2nd year students where the solutions for the problems of the June Long Challenge 2019 were discussed and the concepts required were taught.

SnackDown 2018 Campaign

Date: 12/10/2018
Venue: PG lab AB-3

A session was conducted to introduce the CodeChef platform and CodeChef SnackDown 2018 to the students under the SnackDown Representative Program. Following that, a 1 and a half hour session on Competitive Programming was conducted for the 1st and 2nd year CSE students. Around 40 people participated in the session.

Game of Codes

Date: August 2017
Venue: CP lab 1 and 2 AB-1

A contest was conducted in the CodeChef platform where students from all years of the CSE department participated as teams of size 2-3. The contest had 6 problems of varying difficulty over a variety of topics. The contest saw a huge participation of around 120 students. The winners were provided with CodeChef laddus and stickers.

CCDSAP Promotion

Date: 2017-Present

Students were encouraged to take up the CCDSAP examination, by explaining the benefits of the certification, and were given the extra discounts through Campus Chapters. 5 students have cleared the Advanced level and around 25-30 students have cleared the Foundation level.

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