The Department has set up a few labs with state-of-the-art facilities in order to carry out research in the identified thrust areas. Students are actively involved in this lab where research scholars and faculty members guide them to do their research. A diverse and talented pool of faculty with enviable credentials and sound knowledge in the academic discipline mentor the students in their projects and help them to realize their innovative ideas.
In this lab, experiments for Electronic Circuits lab, Communication Design lab and Digital Communication lab are carried out. Electronic Circuits experiments are designed to understand the working principles of the electronic devices. It also gives the basic idea for the analysis and design of electronic circuits like clipper, clamper, amplifiers, oscillators, multivibrators etc.
Communication Design lab involves the detailed analysis of analog and digital communication techniques like AM, FM, ASK, FSK, DM, ADM, etc. Students are also exposed to the different multiplexing techniques like TDM and FDM.
This lab is well equipped with equipment like digital trainer kits, IC testers, power supplies, CROs, bread boards etc. The lab has fifteen benches with the trainer kits where experiments are carried out. The various experiments consist of implementation of the logic gates and various combinational and sequential circuits.
In this lab, experiments for Microprocessor and Microcontroller lab,VLSI Design lab , Signals & Systems lab and Digital Signal Processing lab are carried out. In this lab, 34 server connected computers are available.
MASM tool is used for conducting 8086 Microprocessor experiments. MPLAB, WINPIC800 tools are available to conduct the various Interfacing experiments for PIC microcontroller. Hardware Kits for performing hardware related experiments on PIC, 8085, 8086, 8051 are available. Also the programmer hardware are provided for downloading the program to Microcontrollers.
For VLSI Design lab, Microwind tool is available to simulate the CMOS schematics and layout designs for various digital functions. Also, the Modelsim tool is used to do the hardware programming using VHDL or VERILOG.
For Signals & Systems and Digital Signal Processing experiments various facilities like 10 TMS 68xx DSP boards, add on cards for interfacing application, Matlab 6.5 with full version, simulink tools are provided.
With these resources a batch of 30 to 34 students, do experiments on various signal processing problems such as signal generation, different operations on signals, different transforms, filter design, speech processing, image processing etc. Students also use these facilities for their various project works.
Microwave Lab consists of various
- Microwave Sources such as Gunn Diode and Reflex Klystron Oscillator
- Discrete X-Band Waveguide components such as Directional Coupler, Magic Tee, Variable attenuator, Detector and Matched termination
- Ferrite Components such as isolator and Circulator
- Microwave Measuring devices such as Slotted line Section, VSWR meter and Frequency meter.
- Microwave antennas such as parabolic dish and Horn antenna.
All these sources and components operates in the frequency range of 8-12GHz
In this Lab students are given hands-on experience on setting up the microwave bench for studying the characteristics of microwave sources, scattering parameters of microwave components and radiation pattern of microwave antennas. This Lab fills the gap between theory and experimental techniques. Students will also get exposure to the use of microwave test equipment for making measurements of frequency, VSWR, S-parameters, impedance and guide wavelength.
Instrumentation Lab provides the required facilities to conduct Measurements and Control Systems Lab and Process Control and Advanced Control Systems Lab. The Lab is well equipped with 15 working tables each having the necessary equipment in it.
In Measurements and Control Systems Lab, the students are introduced to various sensors for measuring the instrumentation parameters like pressure, temperature, current, level, displacement etc. They also study the response of filters, lag, lead, lead-lag networks.
In Process Control and Advanced Control Systems Lab, the students study the controlling techniques for controlling the instrumentation parameters like temperature, pressure, flow and level. They also study the characteristics of different control valves, closed loop response of first order and second order systems. In addition they also study the simulation for tuning the PID Controllers with MATLAB SIMULINK.
In this lab, students have the opportunity to have experimental understanding of sensors and controls along with their various practical applications.
This lab is for I and II semester students to get familiarize with the basic active and passive electronic components, various measuring instruments and to get an understanding of basics about the 8085 microprocessor programming using the hardware kit. The lab is equipped with measuring instruments like CROs, multimeters, function generators, power supplies and microprocessor kits.
In this lab, students are given exposure to various design methodologies to module the circuits using VHDL and Verilog HDL.They are trained to verify and analyze the design using simulation tool (Modelsim 6.3) and synthesized using Xilinx 10.1 ISE foundation where the design is converted to Net-List. The program is verified practically by implementing it on FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) like Spartran-2E, Spartran -3 XC3S500K and CPLD (Complex Programmable Logic Device) like Cool Runner. The laboratory has 25 licensed computer terminals are available for carrying out the above mentioned experiments. The same lab is also used for carrying out Final year projects by some of the students.