- Dr. Navin Kumar, Dr. Sreeja Kochuvila, Dr. Kamatchi S., Dr. Praveen Jaraut, Dr. Ramesh Chinthala, Dr. C. Paramasivam Ms. Priya B. K., Ms. Anjana R., Ms. R. Arya, organized a Nationwide Roadshow in association with CDAC, IEEE India Council on “Digital India RISC-V VEGA Processors”, at Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bangalore Campus, Karnataka, India from 17th to 18th November 2023.
- Ms. Kirti S. attended an online workshop on “VLSI to System Design: Silicon to End Application Approach”, organized by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), ARM Education and STMicroelectronics from 31st July to 4th August 2023.
- Ms. Sonali Agrawal attended an online workshop on “VLSI to System Design: Silicon to End Application Approach”, organized by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE), ARM Education and STMicroelectronics from 31st July to 4th August 2023.
- IEEE VTS, Bangalore Section and ASE, Bangalor organized 3rd IEEE International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology, and Applications (VLSI SATA 2022), on 16 – 17 December 2022, at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
- Ms. Pavithra P. attended workshop on “Application of Machine Learning in B5G Wireless Communication” at NIT Tiruchirappalli from 18th to 24th December 2022.
- Ms. Pavithra P. attended one-day virtual workshop on “Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications” at IIIITB Comet Foundation in online mode on 21st May 2022.
- Dr. T. K. Ramesh, Mr. C. V. Giriraja attended a 5-day FDP-SI UHV Online -AICTE Incorporating Universal Human Values in Education (An AICTE Initiative) through Online Zoom Meeting during December 8 – 12, 2021.
Orientation Program, for 1st year ECE and EAC students
Department of ECE conducted an orientation program, for the 1st year ECE and EAC students on 8th August 2023 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. The program was organised by Dr. Neelima N. and Dr. Sarda Sharma. The event started with prayer and welcome address by Dr. Navin Kumar (Chairperson, Department of ECE) followed by introduction of faculty of Department of ECE. Dr. Vinodhini M. and Ms. Kirti S. Pande delivered the Rules regulations, and general disciplines of Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. Dr. Sreeja Kochuvila gave a brief introduction to Course Curriculum. Dr. T. K. Ramesh presented the ongoing research activities in the department. Further, Dr. Navin Kumar highlighted the club information and importance of IEEE and ECCF club activity. At the end the Q & A session from the audience was kept for queries. The event was successfully completed with vote of thanks and fun activity.
3rd IEEE International Conference on VLSI Systems, Architecture, Technology, and Applications (VLSI SATA 2022) is a revolutionary concept that aims to focus on innovations, knowledge sharing in theory and methodologies used in chip design, nanoelectronics, embedded electronics and electronic design automation communities. VLSI SATA conference started with an idea to promote knowledge building, engineering education, research and development activities and networking to established and to identify research groups and collaboration opportunities. VLSI technology is ideally suited to the demands of today’s embedded electronic devices and systems. With the ever-increasing demand for miniaturization, portability, performance, reliability, and functionality, VLSI technology will continue to drive electronics advancement. The latest technology in VLSI is the integration and application of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The VLSI industry is fast approaching in being the future of applied fields of Data Science and AI. In a nutshell, VLSI has been an extremely fascinating domain for researchers and developers to be in.
The conference with a theme of “Embedded Systems in Autonomous Driving” is a forum for researchers, educators, and industry leaders to discuss all in automotive systems and other industry verticals. VLSI SATA has drawn significant interest from both academia and industry and continues to attract tremendous research efforts due to its promising new business opportunity in VLSI Design.
A total of 80+ papers were received for review. After plagiarism checks and rigorous double-blind reviews by experts from both academia and industry, 25% of papers were accepted for presentation.
3rd IEEE VLSI SATA 2022 was conducted on 16th and 17th December 2022 in the beautiful campus of the Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. This conference was technically and financially sponsored by IEEE VTS, Bangalore section and technically sponsored by IEEE, IEEE Circuits and Systems Bangalore section and IEEE Bangalore. VLSI SATA 2022 is a two-day event.
Day 1 is devoted to tutorial and workshop sessions to provide a broader technical platform to discuss the recent advancement in the VLSI domain. The tutorial session was conducted by Dr. N. S. Murthy, Consultant to LeCo Consulting, Bengaluru with the title “VLSI Fab and Demystified” and the workshop session was conducted by Mr. Sharan A., CoreEL Technologies, Bangalore with the title “System Design Flow using Xilinx Vivado and Vitis on PYNQZ2 Board”.
Day 2 includes keynote addresses and one technical session with the track: VLSI Technology in the pre-lunch session. In the post-lunch session, parallel technical sessions in three tracks: VLSI Systems, VLSI Applications and VLSI Architectures with invited talks and contributed paper presentations.
Mr. Hemanth Mallapur, Co-founder & Exec. VP Engineering, Saankhya Labs was the chief for the inauguration. Dr. Manoj P., Director, of Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore, and Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Principal, of Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore were the guest of honor chief for the inauguration. The plenary session was on “DDR Memory overview” by Dr. Parthasarathy Ramaswamy, Senior Principal Engineer at Intel Corporation. The other invited speakers were Mr. Prasanna Thyamagondlu, Director- Product Development, Capgemini and Mr. Vaibhav Pratap Singh
Principal Technical Officer, CDAC, Bangalore.
PhD Symposium Series
Industry Expert and PhD Scholar Talk
On December 10, 2021, the Departments of Electronics and Communication Engineering and Mechanical Engineering at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru campus, collaborated to conduct the third lecture in the Ph. D. Symposium Series, where Industry experts and Ph. D. Scholar working in broad areas of engineering, science and language can present their work, meet with peers and experienced researchers, receive feedback, and learn from each other’s experiences. The talk was attended by more than 70 participants from various disciplines.
Dr. Abdullah Aamir Hayat, Research Associate, Engineering Product Development Pillar, Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) and Mr. Vinod Kotebavi, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru were the speakers for the day. Dr. Parul Mathur from Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering welcomed distinguished speakers from industry and academia, head of the departments, faculty members and Ph. D. scholars. Later, Dr. Shankara from Department of Mechanical Engineering introduced the speakers to the audience. The event continued with the presentation from the speaker, Dr. Abdullah Aamir Hayat on, “Research Thinking”. His talk motivated researchers to carefully organise their work and maintain high ethical standards throughout their academic careers. Mr. Vinod Kotebavi then gave a session on “Flow over elliptic cone in Hypersonic flow”. Dr. Parul Mathur delivered vote of gratitude to all the attendees and guests at the end of the event.
Ph. D. Symposium Series
Industry Expert and Ph. D. Scholar Talk (30 Oct, 2021, 10:40am -1:30pm)
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, has initiated a Ph. D. Symposium Series, where Industry experts and PhD Scholar working in broad areas of engineering, science and language can present their work, meet with peers and experienced researchers, receive feedback, and learn from each other’s experiences. The first talk in this series was held on 30th October 2021. The talk was attended by roughly 130 participants from various disciplines. Mr. Paramvir Singh Minhas, RAN Transport Product Line Management at Nokia, Bangalore, Dr. K. P. Gowd, Group Captain (Retd) from the Indian Air Force’s Aeronautical Engineering Electronics Branch, and Ms Sanjika Devi, Part-time Ph. D. Scholar and Assistant Professor in the Electronics and Communication department at Amrita University were the speakers for the day. Dr. Navin Kumar, Chairperson from Electronics and Communication department inaugurated the series and welcomed Principal, distinguished speakers from Industry and academia, Head of the Departments, faculty members and Ph. D. scholars. Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Principal of Amrita School of Engineering, spoke to the audience about the importance and impact of such symposium series. He suggested that Ph. D. scholars should take this opportunity to interact with established researchers and practitioners in the respective engineering community and develop the spirit of collaborative research. The event continued with presentation from the speaker, Mr. Paramvir Singh Minhas on, “Current Trends and Opportunities in 5G Backhaul and Fronthaul”, followed by the presentation from the second speaker Dr. Gowd on “Need for Technological Solution to Black Box Recovery Syndrome”. Finally, the last speaker Ms Sanjika Devi, presented her Ph. D. work on “Green Communications: Digital Pre-distortion of Wideband Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers”. Dr. Manoj Kumar Panda gave a vote of gratitude to all the attendees and guests at the end of the event. Dr. Parul Mathur hosted the entire event.
Webinar on Basics of Quantum computing and Communication
IEEE Communication Society Student Chapter in association IEEE Sensors Student Chapter had a webinar on Basics of quantum computing and communication on 7th October 2021. Mr. Anand M. (Senior Research Engineer at Centre for Development of Telematics Bangalore) delivered a talk on basics of Quantum computing and Communication. Mr. Anand M. has 12 years of experience in telecommunication industry. His area of interest includes Wireless Communication and Wireless Optical Communication. He has received numerous awards from C-DOT as author and inventor for his papers and patents. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and Past Secretary for IEEE Communication Society Bangalore Chapter. He has given multiple lectures on Quantum Communication, Quantum Internet and Quantum Computing within his organization as well as in form of public lectures. He also won the best paper award for his paper on Quantum Communication in 2021. Mr. Anand M. grabbed student attention by discussing basic topics of quantum like Qubits, and quantum logic gates. He also mentioned the power of quantum computer and its reliabilities. At the end of presentation, there was a question-and-answer session. The event was anchored by Ms. Manogna, chair- IEEE Sensors Council. The event crops up with speaker’s introduction by Ms. Vyshnavi, Executive of IEEE ComSoc. The event ended with vote of thanks by Manogna. IEEE ComSoc and IEEE Sensors Council presented an online memento as a token of gratitude. At last, all participants were asked to switch camera for online selfie. On the whole, the webinar was very interesting and enlightened students about Quantum computing and its importance.
Online Quiz Competition
IEEE Communication Society Student Chapter has conducted an online Quiz -‘FUNCOGNITION’ on 7th October 2021, from 5–6 pm. The FUNCOGNITION is a technical quiz related to the topics from Communication and IEEE. Fourty six students participated in the event. Ms. Rithika, and Ms. Budi Preethi obtained first and second prizes respectively. The participants showed active participation throughout the event and accomplished the event graciously.
Green Communications: Digital Pre-distortion of Wideband Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers
Ms. Sanjika Devi delivered a talk titled, “Green Communications: Digital Pre-distortion of Wideband Radio Frequency Power Amplifiers” as a part of Department of ECE Research Talk, on 8th October 2021 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The abstract of the talk dealt about Wireless system design and manufacturing of then have ready become the fastest growing section of the electronics industry. However, the incremental demand of providing better wireless connection services in terms of higher data rates and more efficient solutions with wider bandwidth imposes several challenges in the design of wireless transmitters. In addition, use of spectral efficient modulation schemes also impacts the requirements of the wireless transmitters, which have been traditionally the most energy-consuming element of radio networks. The radio frequency (RF) power amplifiers (PAs) being a crucial component in the wireless transmitters, accounts for up to 80% of the energy consumption. Surprisingly, over 60% of the power is wasted in the form of heat rather than transmitting data. The resulting need for highly linear and power efficient signal amplification across wide bandwidths has led in recent years, the development of various linearization techniques of RF PAs. Due to its high flexibility and excellent linearization performance, digital pre-distortion (DPD) has become one of the most preferred choice for linearizing RF PAs and tends to be a fundamental component in current and next-generation wireless communication systems. In this talk, the various linearization strategies, challenges, open issues and future directions of DPD would be discussed.
Research Talk on “Industry 4.0 – Concept, Technologies & Challenges
The Department of Electronics and Communications, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru campus, organized a research talk on “Industry 4.0 – Concept, Technologies & Challenges” by an invited guest Mr. Sivasubramanian S. (Quality & Reliability Engineer in the Global Supply Chain Organization of Intel Corporation, Bengaluru) on July 31, 2021.
IC Design from RTL to GDS-II” using Cadence EDA Tool
Department of ECE and IEEE Student Branch Amrita School of Engineering (ASE) Bangalore jointly with Entuple Technologies organized 5-day online faculty development program (FDP) on “IC Design from RTL to GDS-II” using Cadence EDA Tool from 26th to 30th July, 2021. The FDP included Invited talk, theory session in the morning slots and hands-on sessions in the afternoon. The FDP offered from Full-Custom IC Design using Virtuoso, for first two days, Semi-custom IC design Flow on the third & fourth day and PCB Design using OrCAD on the fifth day. The FDA was attended by 43 members which included 14 faculties, 11 scholars and 18 M. Tech students. The FDP was organized by Dr. Navin Kumar (Chairman, Department of ECE and Branch Counsellor IEEE ASE-B), Dr. C. Paramasivam (FDP Coordinator), Ms. Sreebha Bhaskaran (Faculty Advisor IEEE Student Branch), Dr. Kamatchi S. (FDP Coordinator). The FDP was arranged through Cisco Webex Meeting platform. The summary of the event is as follows:
On 26th July 2021 morning, Ms. Sreebha Bhaskaran, Faculty Advisor, IEEE-SB, who formally welcomed the participants to the FDP and introduced them to Mr. Charudhathan Nagarajan, AE Director Cadence delivered invited talk about “Market drivers and Future trends in semiconductors and electronics”. Then Mr. Nitten, Application Engineer, from Entuple Technologies Pvt Ltd started the session introducing about Schematic Capture using Cadence Virtuoso. The afternoon session on hands-on was conducted to perform Schematic Capture using Cadence. Participants were also given assignment to practice. 27th July 2021 morning Mr. Nitten, continued and briefed about the layout design. This afternoon, hands-on session was conducted to perform layout design using Cadence Virtuoso. On 28th July 2021, Mr. L. V. Kedarnath, FAE Entuple Technologies Pvt Ltd explained about Overview of Semi-Custom Design Flow while in the afternoon, the hands-on session was conducted to perform RTL Synthesis using Genus EDA tool.
On 29th July 2021 morning another invited talk by Dr. George Abraham, AE Director Cadence was arranged. He delivered talk titled “Cadence Digital Implementation and Signoff-A full flow overview”. Following this talk, Mr. L. V. Kedarnath continued to brief about Physical Design Implementation using Innova’s tool. In the afternoon, hands-on session was conducted to perform physical implementation using Innova’s EDA tool. On 30th July 2021 morning Mr. L. V. Kedarnath gave a talk about Physical Design Implementation Estimation of Reports. After that Mr. Kamlesh Kumar Application Engineer Entuple Technologies talked about PCB Design using OrCAD. Afternoon, the hands-on session was conducted to perform physical implementation using Innova’s EDA tool.
The FDP concluded with very positive feedback from participants followed by Vote of thanks by Ms. Sreebha Bhaskaran by thanking the speakers, participants and organizers for arranging a very useful FDP. She also thanked the supporting faculty for providing the systems for the participants throughout the FDP and IEEE student branch for helping the FDP organized very professionally.
UBIquitous Communications and NETwork Computing (UBICNET) is revolutionary concepts that aim to provide pervasive, reliable communication and computing services available anytime and anywhere. UBICNET has drawn significant interests from both academia and industry and continues to attract tremendous research efforts due to its promising new business opportunity in information technology and engineering. Ubiquitous communication and computing is the growing trend and became one of the requirements for most of the people around the globe. While ubiquitous communication ensures communication anywhere with anyone, ubiquitous computing devices are completely connected and consistently available. Ubiquitous network computing relies on the convergence of wireless technologies, advanced electronics and Internet and Internet of Things (IoT). This emerging technology is built upon a wide range of key areas including wireless and sensor networks, mobile and distributed computing, embedded systems, IoT, agent technologies, autonomic communication, and information security.
UBICNET 2021 was conducted on 13th March 2021 virtually and organized by the team from Amrita Bangalore under the leadership of Dr. Navin Kumar (Steering Committee Chair), Dr. T. K. Ramesh (General Chair) and Dr. Abhilash Ravikumar (TPC Chair). The conference was supported by EAI – European Alliance for Innovation is a non-profit organization and a professional community established in cooperation with the European Commission to empower the global research and innovation, and to promote cooperation between European and International ICT communities. The conference had many papers submitted out of which 17 camera ready submissions were considered. Dr. Sriram Devanathan, Principal, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore was the guest of honour at the event. The plenary session was on “Future networks – A platform for convergence” by Mr. Subhas C Mondal – Chief Architect 5G, Wipro Ltd. The other invited speakers were Ms. Neha Sharma – Staff Engineering Manager, Samsung and Ms. Shital Bhatia – General Manager/Staff Engineering Manager Network Access & Core R&D, SRI India – Bangalore. The topics of the conference included Advanced communication and 5G, network sensing, communication protocols and applications and data analytics and its applications.
IEEE Student Branch jointly with Department of Electronics and Communication, Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru organized one and half day hands-on workshop on RF and Microwave Circuit Design and Analysis using AWR Design Environment on 5th to 6th July 2019. The workshop was mainly arranged for M. Tech students, Ph. D. Scholars and faculty members to provide a platform for software development using this tool. The workshop was conducted by Mr. Pratik Mewada working for ICON Design Automotive Pvt. Ltd. His expertise is in RF and microwave measurement and also in the EDA technical support and development domains. The workshop began with the introduction to AWR Design Environment and a demo on MWO circuit design. The hands-on session was followed post lunch. On 6th July 20 at Communication Research and VLSI Lab by giving an overview to Visual System Simulator and design & analysis of LNA / VCO / PA. The participants appreciated the tool and the future works which could be carried out using this tool. The workshop was concluded with a positive note and a small token of appreciation for the trainer.
ACIP outreach program at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru, conducted an event where in, those students who had been to various universities to pursue their project/internship/dual degree programs shared their experience. The event was organized for the third year and final year students of all branches. The first session was conducted on 1st July 2019 for the third year students by the Ms. Sritha Bandla of (M. Tech. S4, Department of ECE) and Mr. Saketh Ram Kunda (M. Tech. S4 Department of ME), who are still continuing with their Master’s program at KTH University, Sweden. The second session was conducted on 29th July 2019 for the final year students by Mr. Aaryan Oberoi (B. Tech. S8, Department of ECE), Mr. Raagul Tirupur Senthilkumar (B. Tech. S8, Department of ECE) and Ms. Roshni Maniraj (B. Tech. S8, Department of ECE), Mr. Garimella Krishna Sandilya (B. Tech. S8, Department of EEE) and Mr. Amandeep Singh Rajput (B. Tech. S8, Department of EEE) and Mr. Puranjay Mugur (B. Tech. S8, Department of ME). The session had a good participation from the students and was really appreciated.
- Dr. Navin Kumar organized and acted as Workshop Chair in IEEE 5th International Conference on 5G and Future Wireless Technologies (5G-FWT) 2020 in association with 15th IEEE ANTS held from 14-17 Dec 2020.
- Dr Navin Kumar was invited as a Panelist during IEEE ANTS panel session on “IIoT for Industry 4.0” and represented academia.
- Dr Navin Kumar was invited as invited speaker at 6G Knowledge Lab Inauguration and 36th GISFI meeting held on 21-22 Dec, in Herlin Denmark.
- Dr Navin Kumar was invited to deliver 3-4 hours session on “Defining a Problem and Writing quality technical paper under Research Methodology workshop” organized by Wipro and Samsung on 5th December.
- Dr Navin Kumar organized half day workshop on “Open Source for Communication” in association with IEEE ComSoc and Samsung on 12th December 2020.
- NI-AWR Design Environment (RF and Microwave Circuit Design Tool)
- ACIP Activity
- Department of ECE organized a two-day workshop on ‘FPGA Basics & Demo of various FPGA Boards’ from 27th to 28th June 2019, at M. Tech. VLSI Design Lab, Department of ECE, Amrita School of Engineering. The FPGA basics and demo on Virtex and Spartan boards was arranged and delivered by Dr. Ramesh Chinthala, Dr. Paramasivam, Dr. S. Kamatchi and Ms. Jalpa Shah on the first day of the workshop. On the second day of the workshop, the demo of ZedBoard Zynq-7000 ARM/FPGA SoC and Xilinx Zynq-7000-All Programmable SoC boards, was delivered by CoreEL Company. The workshop was arranged for M.Tech. VLSI Design students and faculty members.
- A 3-day International Conference titled ‘2nd EAI International Conference on Ubiquitous Communication and Network Computing (UBICNET 2019)’ was organized by the Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru from 8th to 10th February 2019.
- SkillThon’18, a hands-on Workshop on Internet of Things”, which was conducted on 27th & 28th of July, 2018, by IEEE- Student Branch (IEEE-SB) in collaboration with SkillIT India and Department of CSE & ECE, at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- A 2-day National workshop titled ‘System on Chip Architectures for Mixed Mode Applications (SoCAMMA)’ was conceived by the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering from 23rd to 24th March 2018. The workshop emphasized on ‘Field Programmability for Rapid Prototyping’. Dr. N. S. Murty, Chairman of the Department of ECE was the driving force behind the workshop ably assisted by Dr. Navin Kumar as Program Chair and Dr. Rajath Vasudevamurthy as Workshop Convener.The Chief Guest, Dr. P. V. Ananda Mohan (Fellow, IEEE & Chair, IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Bengaluru chapter & Technology Advisor, CDAC) who delivered the keynote address of the workshop covering all the essential blocks of analog and mixed signal design, also touching upon recent advancements of field programmability. Mr. Hitesh Garg (NXP Semiconductor Pvt. Ltd.), talked about the three verticals of Analog Design namely Data Conversion, Power Handling and Timing & Reference Generation and presented automobiles as a target application where the philosophy followed was “sense, think and act”. Mrs. Swathi G (Texas Instruments Pvt. Ltd.) delivered information about the salient features and importance of Semiconductor Testing in the context of manufacturing defects. Prof. Subhajit Sen (IIIT-B), Dr. Ganesan Thiagarajan (MMRFIC) and Dr. Pratap Kumar Das (Achronix Semiconductor Corp.), spoke about Digital assisted Analog and Mixed Signal Design, Embedded RF Design and Embedded FPGA respectively. The workshop had two demo sessions on using MATLAB to interface to FPGAs, which was presented by Ms. Vidya Viswanathan (Mathworks Pvt. Ltd.) and Anadigm’s Field Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) presented by Mr. Rajesh R (Oppila Microsystems Pvt. Ltd.). The workshop was registered and attended by 16 external participants, the faculty members and the students.
- The Department of ECE and CSE organized a three days international conference on Ubiquitous Communications and Network Computing (UBICNET) on Aug 3-5, 2017. The conference witnessed delegates from different parts of the country. The UBICNET Conference commenced with three tutorial sessions.
- In order to make the M. Tech. (VLSI Design) and M. Tech. (Embedded Systems) students aware of the Electronic System Level (ESL) Design and appreciate its value and opportunities, Dr. N. S. Murty organized a workshop on ESL on 17th April 2017 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The speakers were Mr. Saurabh Tiwari, Manager, Product Architecture and Computer Vision and CPU Performance Architect at Intel and Mr. Prasanna Kesavan, Principal Engineer at Broadcom. They highlighted the benefits of ESL and shared information and experience on how this ESL is used in companies to do state of the art system designs.
- Dr. N. S. Murty delivered a workshop on “VLSI Demystified” on 18th March 2017 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. During his talk, he discussed about the VLSI wafer fabrication, device assembly, testing, reliability evaluation and failure analysis with videos and pictures. He also showed physical samples of wafers, mask plates, devices under different stages of assembly etc. The talk was arranged for faculty members and students.
- Dr. Rajath Vasudevamurthy attended a seminar titled, “Science & Technology in the Indic Tradition”, at IISc, Bengaluru during 3rd to 5th February 2017.
- Following faculty members attended CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted from 30th January 2017 to 4th February 2017 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru
- Dr. N. S. Murty
- Dr. T K Ramesh
- Dr. Kaustav Bhowmick
- Dr. Srinivasa Reddy K
- Mr. Giriraja C. V.
- Ms. Vinodhini M.
- Ms. Sonali Agrawal
- Ms. S. Lalitha
- Ms. Kavita Baliger
- Ms. Bhavana V.
- Ms. Sanjika Devi
- Mr. Nandi Vardhan
- Ms. Ponni M. Ms. Jeeva Priya
- Ms.Sathish kumar
- Ms. Jayashree M Oli
- Ms. Nidhi Gangrade
- Ms. Kirti S. Pande
- Mr. Alok Kumar Jha
- Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru was chosen as one of the remote centers for hosting ISTE Sponsored workshop on “CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design”, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted from 30th January 2017 to 4th February 2017
- IEEE ComSoc Student Branch Chapter organized its first workshop on ‘Wireless Sensor Networks and IoT” for the even semester on 31st January, 2017. The objective of this workshop was to understand, use and configure wireless low power devices for IoT applications. The event was organized by Dr. Navin Kumar in association with IEEE Student volunteers
- Dr. N. S. Murty arranged a workshop by Mentor Graphics Pvt. Ltd on VLSI Design on 13th October 2016 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The topics like VLSI Design industry, Digital FPGA and Analog Custom Design Flow were dealt by Mr. Vidhya Prakash Nagaraj (Applications Consultant PV), Design-For-Test by Mr. Shiva Kumar Revanna (Sr. Corporate Applications Engineer DFT). All VLSI Design faculty members and M.Tech. I and III Semester students attended the workshop.
- Mr. Sagar B attended National Seminar on Seminar on ‘Curriculum Design & Development for Sustainable & Societal Development: A Road Map’ at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Ettimadai, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, organized by Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore and SPONSORED by NAAC on 12th to 13th August 2016;
- Mr. Sagar B attended a workshop on ‘Research Methodologies’ at Golden Jubilee Hall, Dept of Electrical Communication Engineering, IISc, Bengaluru, organized by IEEE Bangalore Section, on 8th to 9th August 2016.
- Dr. Shikha Tripathi, Ms. Lalitha, Ms. Sushmitha Vekkot and Ms. Padmini P. Reddy attended a Summer School Summer School on Speech Signal Processing (S4P) – 2016, Speech Source Modelling and its Applications on 4th to 8th July 2016 at DA-IICT, Gandhinagar. Ms. Sushmitha Vekkot’s Ph.D. abstract was selected for 5 minute Ph.D. thesis Presentation.
- Department of ECE organized a three day Workshop on “5G IoT along with 25th series of Global ICT Standardization Forum for India (GISFI) Meeting” on 21st to 23rd July 2016. The event was supported by IEEE COMSOC. The workshop was conducted under the guidance of Organizing Chair Dr. Shikha Tripathi (Professor, Chairperson, Department of ECE) and Workshop Coordinators Dr. Navin Kumar (Associate Professor, Department of ECE and Dr. T. S. B. Sudarshan (Professor & Chair, Department of CSE). The event was assisted by Mr. Sagar B. along with IEEE ComSoc Student Chapters Office bearers and representatives.
- Ms. Ponni M. attended a Croucher Summer Course on Performaance Aware Programming with Application Accelerators from 18th to 22nd July 2016 at University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Ms. Kirti S. Pande attended a seminar titled, “Maximize PPA and Reduce Risk on Next-Generation Designs” on 17th June 2016 at Park Plaza, Marathahallli, Bengaluru. The seminar was organized by Cadence Pvt. Ltd.
- The department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (ECE) and IEEE students branch at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru Campus organized a workshop on Trends & Developments in Photonics and Optical Communications from March 28- 29, 2016.»»
- Dr. Shikha Tripathi organized a National Workshop on “Trends and Development in Photonics and Optical Communication (TDPOC) 2016”, on 28th and 29th March 2016 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru
- International Conference on VLSI-SATA 2016 was organized on 10th to 12th January 2016 by Department of ECE in association with Department of CSE at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Ms. Lalitha S. and Ms. Jeewa Priya attended National Workshop on, “Knowledge Discovery with Open Source Machine learning tools for Science & Engineering Applications”, on 6th to 7th November 2015 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Ms. Lalitha S., Ms. Sushmitha Vekkot and Mr. Swaminadhan Rajula attended a two days workshop on ‘Xilinx Vivado System Generator and Analog Discovery Kit’ on 21st to 22nd September 2015 at Amrita School of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Dr. R. Karthikeyan organized a seminar on “Emerging Trends in Process Automation with DCS/PLC and SCADA” on 17th April 2015 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The speaker for the seminar was Ms. Padma R. (Deputy Manager, Training – Customer Service Division, Yokogawa Pvt. Ltd. , India). The seminar was arranged for II, III and IV year EIE students. Around 150 students participated in the event.
- Dr. R. Karthikeyan and Ms. Anjali organized a seminar on “Embedded System Design for IOT” on 25th April 2015 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru. The speaker for the seminar was Mr. Gurjeet Singh (Managing Director Gill Instruments Pvt. Ltd., India). The seminar was arranged for II, III and IV year EIE students. Around 140 students participated in the event.
- Ms. Sanjika Devi and Ms. Priya B.K. attended 2 Days FDP on “Recent Advancements in Antenna Design” using FEKO Simulation Software” , organized by Department of Telecommunication Engineering, CMRIT, Bengaluru in association with VTU Bengaluru on 21st to 22nd January 2015.
- Following faculty members attended National Workshop on “Control Systems” sponsored by National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India) organized by Department of EEE at Amrita School of Engineering, Bengaluru.
- Dr. T. K. Ramesh,Dr. Karthikeyan,Mr. Giriraja C.V.,Mr. C. Babu,Mr. Satish Kumar,Ms. Lalitha S.,Ms. Priya B.K,Ms. Jayashree Oli,Ms. Jeeva Priya,Ms. Nidhi Gangrade,Mr. E. Chandramohan Gaud,Ms. Jeyanthi,Ms. Anjali,Ms. Bharati Pant,Mr. V. Vignesh,Mr. Sagar,Ms. Sanjika Devi,Ms. Priyadarshini v.,Ms. Sushmitha Vekkot
- Mr. P.Satish Kumar attended Symposium titled “Synopsys University Symposium 2014” on 10th October 2014 at Hotel Fortune, Bengaluru. The symposium was organized by Eigen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Mr. Kirti S. Pande Kumar attended Symposium titled “Synopsys University Symposium 2014” on 10th October 2014 at Hotel Fortune, Bengaluru. The symposium was organized by Eigen Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
- Ms. Parul Mathur attended a workshop on “Practical Electromagnetics for Modern Antennas, RF and Microwave Designs” on 18th – 22nd August 2014 at Entuple Technologies, Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.
- Ms. R. V. Sanjika Devi attended a workshop on “Practical Electromagnetics for Modern Antennas, RF and Microwave Designs” on 18th – 22nd August 2014 at Entuple Technologies, Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru.
- Ms. R.V. Sanjika Devi attended IEEE Authorship Workshop on “How to Publish a Technical Paper with IEEE” on 12th August 2014 at Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru.
- Dr. Navin Kumar presented a research paper titled “New & Effective Modulation & Dimming Control for VLC” at IEEE VTC 2014 – Spring Conference at Seoul, South Korea, held from 18 – 21 May 2014.
- Amrita School of Engineering , Bangalore was chosen as one of the remote centers for hosting two week workshop on ‘ Signals & Systems’, under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India) conducted from 2nd to 12th January 2014. Department of ECE took up the responsibility and executed it successfully with technical assistance from ICTS group and facility department.Around 15 faculty members from various engineering colleges within the state of Karnataka and 57 from ASE, Bangalore attended the workshop. The lectures were conducted through internet using A-View software across the country. The objective of the workshop was to train the teachers with effective teaching methodology for Signals and Systems using examples and highlighted the points that need to be stressed while teaching to students. Quizzes were conducted by IIT Kharagpur for the participants. Participants were also given the opportunity to have interactive sessions with the faculty at IIT Kharagpur and through the group assignments during this workshop. The workshop was executed under the guidance of Workshop Coordinator Dr. Prof. Shikha Tripathi along with the teaching assistance of Ms. Latha (Asst. Prof.), Mr. C.V. Giriraja (Asst. Prof.), Mr. Ganapathy Hegde (Asst. Prof.) and Ms. Sunitha (Asst. Prof.) and technical assistance of lab instructor Ms. Shanthi D.
- Mr. Giriraja C V attended the workshop on Quality Enhancement in Engineering Education(QEEE) Training on 17th – 18th December 2013 at IIT,Madras. The workshop was organized by IIT,Madras and sponsored by Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development.
- Dr. Shikha Tripathi attendee “One week Coordinators workshop on Signals and Systems” under Mational Mission on Education through ICT(MHRD), Government of India, at IIT Khragpur during 30th September 2013 to 4th October 2013.
- A 2-Week ISTE Workshop on “Analog Electronics” was organized on 4th to 14h June 2013 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. The event was sponsored by Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore and National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. Around 30 members from outside and local together participated in the workshop.
- The National Workshop on “Trends and Developments in Signal Processing and its Applications TDSPA – 13”was organized on 27th to 28th April 2013 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. The event was sponsored by Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore and Cranes Software, Bangalore. Around 66 members from outside and local together participated in the workshop.
- A 2-Week ISTE Workshop on “Basic Electronics” was organized on 28th June 2011 to 8th July 2011 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. The event was sponsored by Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore and National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India. Around 58 members from outside and local together participated in the workshop.
- The National Seminar on “Trends and Developments in Sensors and Instrumentation TDSI-11”was organized on 08th to 09th April 2011 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. The event was sponsored by Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore. Around 84 members from outside and local together participated in the workshop.
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended One Day Faculty Development National Level Workshop on “Latex & its Documentation for Research Scholars” on 14th September 2013 at HKBK College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The workshop was organized by Department of CSE-HKBKCE- Bengaluru, in association with VTU-Belgaum, Karnataka and the CSI-Bengaluru Chapter @HKBKCE Campus.
- Mr. Hemanth Kumar attended One Day Faculty Development National Level Workshop on “Latex & its Documentation for Research Scholars” on 14th September 2013 at HKBK College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The workshop was organized by Department of CSE-HKBKCE- Bengaluru, in association with VTU-Belgaum, Karnataka and the CSI-Bengaluru Chapter @HKBKCE Campus.
- Mr. Swaminathan R. attended One Day Faculty Development National Level Workshop on “Latex & its Documentation for Research Scholars” on 14th September 2013 at HKBK College of Engineering, Bengaluru. The workshop was organized by Department of CSE-HKBKCE- Bengaluru, in association with VTU-Belgaum, Karnataka and the CSI-Bengaluru Chapter @HKBKCE Campus.
- Mr. R Karthikeyan attended workshop on 18th July 2013 to 20th July 2013 at NIT, Trichy.
- Ms. Sumathi S attended workshop on 05th July 2013 to 06th July 2013 at Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore.
- Mr. P Satish Kumar attended workshop on 17th June 2013 to 21st June 2013 at RMZ Infinity, Tower A, Benniganahalli, Bangalore.
- Mr. C Babu attended workshop on 10th June 2013 to 14th June2013 National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
- Mr. P Satish Kumar attended workshop on 10th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh.
- Dr. N.S. Murty attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 ASE, Bangalore.
- Mr. Hemanth Kumar attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. R.V. Sanjika attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Latha attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Lalitha attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Ponni M attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Kirti S. Pande attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Jayashree Oli attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Vibha Mehrotra attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Parul Mathur attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Kavita Baliger attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Bhavana.V attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Nidhi Gangrade attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Mr. Vignesh attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Mr. Sagar B. attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Mr. Swaminathan Rajula attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Ms. Anjali B S attended workshop on 04th June 2013 to 14th June 2013 at ASE, Bangalore.
- Dr. T.K Ramesh attended workshop on 01st May 2013 to 05th January 2013 at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended workshop on 15th March 2013 to 16th March 2013 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Mr. Alok Kumar Jha attended workshop on 27th February 2013 to 28th February 2013 at Cochin University of Science and Technology, Cochin.
- Ms. Anjali attended workshop on 07th February 2013 to 08th February 2013 at Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Dr. N S Murty attended workshop on 11th January 2013 to 12th January 2013 at BVB College of Engineering and Technology, Hubli.
- Mr. Giriraj C.V. attended workshop on 10th November 2012 to 11th November 2012 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Ms. Ponni M attended workshop on 23rd July 2012 to 25th July 2012 at CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore.
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 25th June 2012 to 04th 2012 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
- Mr. N.V.S. Murthy attended workshop on 16th May 2012 at R.V. College of Engineering
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 10th March 2012 at PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 18th February 2012 to 19th February 2012 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 16th December 2011 to 17th December 2011 at Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
- Ms. Jeevapriya K attended workshop on 14th December 2011 to 17th December2011 at Amrita School of Engineering, Ettimadai
- Mr. T.K. Ramesh attended seminar on 16th Septermber 2011 to 17th September2011 at Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, Tamilnadu.
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended workshop on 19th September 2011 to 23rd September 2011 at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati.
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended workshop on 19th August2011 to 20th August2011 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal
- Mr. C. Babu attended workshop on 28th June2011 to 8th July 2011 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Mr. Giriraja C.V attended workshop on 28th June 2011 to 8th July2011 at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 20th April2011 to 21st April 2011 at KLN College of Engineering, Pottapalayam
- Ms. Kavitha N Pillai attended workshop on 08th April 2011 to 09th April 2011 at Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Mr. Giriraja C.V attended workshop on 01st March 2011 to 05 March 2011 at Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
- Mr. R. Karthikeyan attended workshop on 18th February 2011 to 19th February 2011 at Dr. Mahalingam College of Engineering and Technology, Pollachi
- Mr. T.K. Ramesh attended workshop on 10th February2011 to 11th February 2011 at The Kavery Engineering College, Salem.
- Ms. M.S. Sankari, M. Vinodhini, Kusuma Keerthi, Mr. C. Babu, P. Satishkumar attended workshop on 09th February 2011 to 10th February 2011 at Nokia India Ltd., Bangalore.
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended workshop on 28th January 2011 to 29th January 2011 at CMR Institute ofTechnology, BangalorMr. R.Karthikeyan attended workshop on 22nd Janauary 2011 at CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Mr. R.Karthikeyan attended FDP on 22nd January 2011 at Amrita School of Business, Bangalore
- Mr. R. Karthikeya, Ms. K. Deepika and Ms. Deepa attended FDP on 13th June 2010 to 19th June 2010 at National Institute of Technology Calicut
- Ms. R Jeyanthi attended Seminar on 18th December 2009 to 19th December 2009 MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai
- Ms. R Jeyanthi and Ms. K. Deepa attended workshop on 14th December 2009 to 24th December 2009 Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Mr. T.K. Ramesh attended workshop on 07th December 2009 to 19th December 2009 at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti
- Mr. Giriraja C.V attended workshop on 23rd Novermber 2009 to 28th November 2009 at Indian Institute of Technology Madras
- Mr. Ganapathi Hegde attended workshop on 13th July 2009 to 22nd July 2009 at PES School of Engineering, Bangalore
- Ms. Lalitha S & Ms. Vinodhini M attended workshop on 18th May 2009 to 19th May 2009 at Dale Carnegie Training and Wipro, Bangalore
- Ms. Lalitha S attended workshop on 18th May 2009 to 22nd May 2009 at PES School of Engineering, Bangalore
- Dr. V Prithviraj delivered a Seminar on “Internet of Things” on 17th August 2010 at E-Learning Center, ASE Bangalore.
- A seminar titled ‘Fun in Verilog’ was conducted by Ms. Roopa Rangaswamy (Ex-Employee of Texas Instrument) on 30th August 2013. The seminar was arranged by Mr. Satish Kumar for M.Tech. (VLSI Design) students in E-Learning center.
- A technical demonstration of Ansys software suite which contain seven solvers useful for Wireless & communication system modeling and design, Passive RF and optoelectronic devices (antennas, waveguide components), Active circuits (including analog/RF mixers, amplifiers, oscillators as well as analog and RF integrated circuits), 3D and 2D electromagnetic modeling was arranged by Dr. Dhanesh G Kurup on 29th August 2013 at e-Learning hall. Interested faculty and final year students attended the demonstration.