Panchakarma is getting popularized day by day in this fast-growing world. Because of its popularity, apart from the regular undergraduate and postgraduate courses on Panchakarma formulated by CCIM many institutions are emerging out with newer courses on it. This makes the scenario more complicated. Even though teaching, learning and practice of Panchakarma is based on the ancient texts of Ayurveda there are many drawbacks in the present status of learning and teaching. Understanding and application of Panchakarma in various part of the country differ, similarly the practice also. To bring uniformity and standards in the present status of teaching and learning process we need to strengthen the Domain of Panchakarma by means of information technology and audio-visual aids.
Also we need to concentrate on the part of skill development. Panchakarma being completely practice oriented, have to improve the skill of the teacher and student in order to strengthen Panchakarma. Keeping this in mind this project has been designed.